Age of Ultron

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Third Person Narrative (Peter POV)

Peter fell through the rainbow tunnels of the multiverse, looking for anything to grasp on. Alas, he was out of luck. He continued to fall until he finally landed. He landed in New York, the place he knew best , but there was something different about it. He was in Times Square, and as he scanned he noticed something very odd. On the mega screen radiating bright colours, there was a date. May 1st, 2015. How could he be in the past, scratch that how could he be 8 year prior to where he was? The screen changed, it was a news broadcasting. It was advertising a party the billionaire Tony Stark was having at the Avengers Tower tonight to celebrate their victory of cleaning up every Hydra base they could find. From the looks of it he could tell it was a lavish party, even the news channels had drones and helicopters recording footage from the top floor. That's when he saw her on the footage, Amora. She looked different though, happier maybe. He knew he had to get in, but he knew he couldn't in what he was wearing. He walked around Times Square, looking for a shop to get some appropriate clothes. He didn't want to steal, but he didn't have much of a choice considering he didn't have his wallet on him. Luckily before he got sucked into the abyss he was wearing his Spider-Man suit and web-shooters so at least he was battle ready. He kept walking until he saw the store HUGO BOSS, that would work for the dress code he thought. He was in and out, he made his way through the store sliding in to the back room and then to the main store somehow undetected. He got changed in the back of an alley, and then made his way him up the street to the Avengers tower. He approached tower nervously, not even knowing why. It's not like anyone would know who he was, there was no reason to be nervous he thought.

"Name."  the body guard at the front said blankly.

"P-eter. Parker" He replied.

The body guard did't say anything back, he simply lead a hand towards where Peter should go. Peter hesitated at first, but then he stuttered over to the large elevator. Many people in lavish outfits entered the elevator after him, Peter knowing he didn't know which floor it was on relied on the others to select a number. As he exited the elevator, he was shown a view of something he had never seen in his life. Many rich people around drinking, laughing enjoying the privileged life. That is when he saw her face to face again. He looked at her as she danced ever so gracefully, but she wasn't dancing alone. She was accompanied by a tall built blonde, Peter could see the face of love in her eyes. Peter watched as they kissed, he felt jealous but he didn't know why. He felt as if he didn't have any right to be jealous, in retrospect he hadn't even known her very long, yet he felt a deep connection.

"They are one hell of a power couple aren't they?" Someone asked Peter, "How do you know them?"

Peter looked over confused on how to answer.

"Oh, um I know the girl, the guy on the other hand not to sure." Peter mumbled.

"What do you mean you don't know who that is?" The man gasped, "Dude that's Steve Rogers, Captain America."

The Steve, Peter thought. The one who had broken Amora into pieces and never showed up to put her back together. He was intimidated by the man after he once knew who he was. He gulped in anxiousness, why was he thinking about him as competition?

"I'm Rhodey by the way." The man continued.

"Peter Parker." Peter smiled extending a hand towards him.

As the night went on, Peter kept observing watching her friend be happy, and having fun. He sighed, to scared to approach her, knowing that she wouldn't believe him in the slightest. He got up in defeat walking up to the bar to grab a drink.

"You look like a man in pain." A woman bartending chuckled.

"No more than usual." Peter sighed.

"I don't know you, but I know Amora." The woman continued, "So who are you?"

"Oh I don't know her." Peter tried to defend.

"There's no way you can look at a gal like her all night and just not know her."  She smirked, "I'm Natasha and again you are?"

Peter sighed in defeat, "Peter Parker."

"Well Peter Parker, lets get you a drink." Natasha replied.


It was now very late, everyone at the party had left, except the inner circle. Peter crept in the corner watching as they laughed and enjoyed themselves, one big happy family.

"Maybe you all are just not worthy." The man Peter was able to deduce as Thor.

Peter watched as the avengers all laughed in disagreement, only to be interrupted by a painful ringing sound.

"W-worthyy." A robotic said, "How could you be worthy? You're all killers."

Peter continued to listen to the tense conversation coming from the floor below, his spidey-sense was tingling in anxiousness.

"Ultron!" Bruce banner exclaimed.

"In the flesh. Or no not yet. Not this chrysalis. But I'm ready, I'm on a mission."

"What mission?" Natasha asked.

"Peace in our time." Ultron replied deviously.

Then out of no where a bunch of robots came flying out of the walls attacking the people below. Peter knew it was time to fight, he ripped off the suit he stole revealing his spider-man get up beneath. He climbed to the bottom floor, helping in the shadows. When Rhodey went flying out the window, Peter made sure he landed alright. In the midst of fighting in secret, he saw as Amora faught, he admired how she could hold her own very well. She got knocked down, but got up on her feet real quick again. Another bot was coming up behind her that she didn't seem to notice. Peter was scared to interfere but he did anyways using his webs to grab the bought and then ripping it in half. Amora looked at the man confused on his strength.

"How did you do that?" She looked amazed at the masked man.

Their moment ended quickly when another voiced called to Amora.

"Amora! Pass it along for me!" Clint said.

He threw the red and blue shield to Amora, who once after she caught it threw it to one Steve Rogers, who crushed the last bot. Amora looked back at Peter again, still interested in how he did what he did. They all looked back to the front when the robotic voice began to speak again.

"Well that was dramatic." Ultron spoke, "I'm sorry. I know you mean well. You just didn't think it through. You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to... evolve?", Ultron picked up some of the dismembered bots, "With these? These puppets? There's only one path to peace: The Avengers extinction.

Something came flying out of the wall behind Ultron, a needle. Peter watched as the needle struck Amora in the neck, injecting soon after. She gasped in surprise but recovered soon after.

"Is that the best you got?" Amora laughed.

She began to form an energy ball between her hands, but as soon as she did it soon stopped as she began to groan, black veins beginning to uprise on her body. She gasped in pain, as her eyelids began to flicker now falling to the floor. Peter lunged for her at the same time as Steve, with Steve being able to grab her first. She laid unconscious on the ground in Steve's arms as he looked at Ultron in anger.

"Easy." Ultron laughed, "I just was able to temporarily take out your best defence! This will be an easy missi-"

Thor threw his hammer at the bot, breaking him into a million pieces. Everyone looked at Thor as if his reactions were to rash.

"I had strings but now I'm free." Ultron said in a singy song voice.

Everyone looked at eachother confused on the next step, now looking at the unconscious Amora in fear. They then turned to Peter, they all looked at him, with those who had already met him not being able to recognize him due to the suit. Peter back up a few steps as they approached.

"Who are you?" They all said in unison.
Currently finally rewatching the eternals as I write this. It was so good the first time and i;m happy I finally get to rewatch <3

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