Falling through

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Third Person Narrative
BTW this whole chapter and for the foreseeable future will be Peter 3 now hehe

Amora's eyes opened slowly, she could feel cold air surrounding her making her skin arise in goosebumps. There was a light whistle in her ears that she couldn't quite place. It took a while for her to place it, but once her eyes focussed she began to panic. She was falling through the sky, and she was falling fast. She was to weak to prevent it, she hadn't even been able to process where she was. Amora closed her eyes in defeat, she didn't know what to do except let herself fall. Her body submerged in a body off water, a softer landing than she assumed. Her eyes opened once more, gasping for a breath of air. She gathered all her strength and tried her best to get the magic flowing between her hand. The magic emerged from her surrounding her body pushing her up from the water. She landed harshly on the cement ground, exacerbating a gasp from the lack of air she just had.
People began to surround her round and round the amount growing by the second. All she could hear was mumbles and could see bright lights flashing her eyes. She curled up into a ball trying to avoid the people, she just wanted to rest.

Third Person Narrative (Peter)
It had been only a couple days since he arrived back to his own universe, and it had been a brutal few. He came back to his once friendly home, only to find no one knew he was. Ever since Gwen died, he went back to his normal loner persona, but he still had people he loved. His own aunt May didn't even remember him anymore. He went over for their weekly Friday night spaghetti dinner and she nearly called the cops on him for breaking and entering. Since then he had been moping in his small apartment that he could barely afford on his own. He was sitting on his worn down sofa, eating a bowl of 99 cent ramen, when his spidey sense began to tingle. He felt tense, and couldn't shake the feeling something was wrong. He turned on the TV trying to distract himself from the feeling, but it only made it worse. He saw on the news, all the channels actually about a women who emerged from the water down at the Boardwalk by Coney Island. She had apparently ran "flew" out of the water and later on ran away from the crowds of people into the shadows. She was last seen on 5th and 23rd street, not to far from Peter's apartment at all. He suited up, preparing to save the mystery woman from harms way. He swung through the streets roaming his eyes around looking out for her. He stopped when he saw a shadow crouched on the ground in an alleyway. He approached her, he could tell she was cold, and he could hear her heart beating abnormally slow. When he got closer, he was astonished at the sight.

"Amora?!" He hollered towards the figure.

She looked at him weakly, she was also surprised at the sight in front of her, "P-Peter, Hey." She whispered.  She held her head, it still hurt, and she was still so exhausted.

He slowly knelt down, and picked up her tired self , "I got you. I got you. Just hold on."  He embraced her tight keeping a hold on her as he swung the both of them back to Peters small apartment. He laid her down on his bed, covering her with a blanket in attempt to warm her up. "How did she get here?" Peter though to himself in the back of his mind. He noticed she was beginning to awake again, she lightly groaned in pain. Peter sat on the bed looking at her, trying to comfort her.

"Shh. You're okay. Your'e okay." He said continuously as he looked at her with a smile, "Wanna tell me what happened here?"

"S-Strange. I don't know why but he sent me away too." She sighed looking at him with the saddest eyes that made him want to crumble.

He noticed that her breaths became more and more rapid, he could see the panic in her eyes. He could see her bottom lip start to quiver in fear, she was breaking down right in front of him.

"S-Something bad is happening I can feel it. I saw a shadow behind Strange, something evil. I'm scared." She sobbed.

All he could think of doing to comfort her was to pull her into a hug. He embraced her gently rubbing the side of her head trying to slow her breathing down as much as he could.

"It's okay. Your'e safe. We will figure this out in the morning, I promise. But right now you need to get some rest okay?" He said  in a calming voice.

He could tell she had no energy to respond to him, but he still felt her slightly nod in his arms.

"You can have my bed." He said, "I'll be on the couch if you need anything."

"I couldn't possibly take your be-"

"You can and you will. You need it more than me." He smiled at her.

She nodded in defeat at him laying back down to where she once was not to long ago. Peter got up from where he was sitting walking towards the door, about to turn off the light.

"Thank you Peter." She murmured towards him.

He smiled once again at her turning off the light in his bedroom. He lied down on the couch, staring at the ceiling surrounded by his thoughts. The more he talked to her the more he was drawn in. There was something about her that he could pinpoint but it was there. He closed his eyes letting the darkness take over, as he fell into a deep sleep.

I'm so excited to write the next parts im excited ab what I've sorta planned.


I hope this chapter wasn;t to bad hehe <3

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