Game Plan

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Third Person Narrative

Amora woke up in a groggy state, still unfamiliar to her new surroundings. Her head was still aching, there had been to much that had been going, and her mind hadn't processed it yet. She tip toed out of Peters bed and made her way to the living room, where she found a Peter Parker still sleeping soundly. She smiled at the sight, he looked so peaceful and content, it honestly made her morning.

"You watching me sleep?" He murmured.

Her face turned red, and she felt her cheeks warming up. She had totally forgotten about his spidey sense, and how he probably sensed her when she first woke up even. He leaped up from his position on the couch now looking straight at her, she was lost for words.

"Sorry." She said while scratching the back of her head, "I didn't mean to wake you."

"I don't mind, really." He said reassuringly.

She moved her hand from the back of her head to her forehead, massaging the aching temples.

"You feeling alright?" Peter asked concerned.

"Yeah um head just hurts." She stuttered

Peter got up from the couch and went to the small kitchen in his apartment. He grabbed a glass and filled it with water, now bringing it over to where she was.

"Here." He said, "Maybe some water will help."

"Thank you". She smiled.

She took the glass of water from his hands, thanking him silently for the gesture. He lead her to the couch, nodding towards her to sit. They both sat in silence for a while. Amora looked out the window, as she sipped her water.

"So what's the game plan?" Peter asked.

The plan. Shit. She hadn't thought of a plan yet, I mean it hadn't been that long since she arrived, but still they had to get to work. She thought to herself for a moment and then began to speak.

"Well this universe is different from mine right?" She said, and Peter nodded in agreement, "If it's different from mine, maybe people, friends of mine who have died, maybe they still live here. I could try to get help from some of them if they are willing to listen."

"Who did you have in mind?" He replied.

"I have a lot of friends who were in the avengers, plus my friends back on Asgard. I mean it is worth a try, we could use all the help we could get to figure out the problem."

"Agreed. We should probably split up to cover more ground?" He questioned.

"Good idea. It think you go to the sanctum sanctorium on Bleecker street, If the strange of this universe is there he will know who you are. I will go and try to find my friends." Amora said confidently.

They both suited up, getting ready to go their separate ways. Peter was going to go find Doctor Strange on Bleecker street, and Amora's first stop was to a place she knew had to exist here. Her first stop was to SHIELD headquarters.

Amora went to the nearest library on her way out so she could try to get a location off the facilities. Most of them would be top secret, obviously but just like her world they would have a few public bases. She went into the search bar and searched up the the hub. No results. She cleared the bar and searched again the playground. No results. She though it would be a stretch considering it was one of the most public ones in her universe before the fall of SHIELD, but she had hope. She searched up the Triskelion. 1 result. It wasn't a building however, it was a hotline. She wrote down the number, and went in search for a pay phone. Once she found one she dialed the number and let it ring. The line didn't answer. She frowned at the response, not knowing how she should proceed. Then all of a sudden the ground beneath her opened, and she fell into some sorta of chute. An underground base she thought to herself, She also wondered why the SHIELD in her world never thought of it. The chute was kind of like a slide with bright lights, she was going down rapidly, not knowing what would be waiting for her at the bottom. When she reached the bottom she was met with an unfamiliar face. It was a woman, she couldn't have been a day over 25, but yet she had this stern mature look to her.

"How did you get this number." She snapped.

"I found it." Amora replied, "But that's not important. I need to see Nick Fury."

"Nick Fury is dead. He has been for years." The mysterious woman replied.

Amora was taken aback, she had to remind herself that Nick was still safe and sound in her own world, and that she could not get hung up about this.

"Then bring be to who's in charge please." Amora pleaded, "It's important."

"That would be me. I'm in charge." The woman replied coldly.

"And who are you?" Amora asked.

"Daisy Johnson, Director of SHIELD."

Daisy Johnson, she knew that name. She recognized it, but didn't know from where. It took her a second before she could understand that causality.

"Quake." Amora gasped, "Y-You're one of Agent Coulson's friends."

Daisy sniffed at the mention of Coulsons name, Amora didn't realize Coulson was dead here as well.

"Was one of Agent's Coulson." Daisy sighed, "Now state your business here."

Amora tried to explain it to her as best she could. How in her universe the multiverse began to crack through, and how she was to sent here. She also explained how she was searching for her friends in desperate need of their help.

"I could really use your help Daisy." Amora pleaded. "The SHIELD databases are the most complex out there, if I want to find these people, this might be the only way."

She could see that Daisy was thinking intently about what to do next, she just hoped that she agreed to her proposition.

"Follow me." She replied blatantly.
Thanks for the more reads guys <3

Also i really wanted to include daisy as director cuz she didn't take the opportunity in the show hehe. Also ik agents of shield wouldn't techianlly be canon in the mcu but im making it canon for the story.


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