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Third Person Narrative

Amora woke abruptly, in a fuzzy state, slowly adjusting to her surroundings. She was still in Peter's apartment, but something was different. She was upside down. A frazzled Wanda came into frame pacing around, mumbling to herself. Amora kept quiet, staying still, squinting her eyes as all the blood was rushing through to her head. Suddenly, she could hear keys jingle from outside the door, her heart dropped, she didn't want Peter to get hurt. Wanda also noticed the jingling looking at Amora with a smirk on her face.

"Right on time." Wanda smiled.

As the door began to open Amora blurted out what she could before Wanda silenced her.

"Peter run!" She screamed, but she was to late.

Wanda pulled the man in with her magic, shutting the door behind him. Peter breathed heavily as he saw Amora hangning upside down from the ceiling, he could see the fear in her eyes. Wanda scanned the floor, picking up reminents of the groceries Peter had bought off the ground. She grabbed a rather dented can of soup, now warping it back to good as new. Amora didn't really know why she did this, but the best explanation for it was that Wanda was trying to get her to understand how powerful she had become since they had last seen eachother.

"Wanda." Amora stammered, "You don't have to do this."

"Relax, I don't want to hurt you unless I have to." Wanda freakishly smiled, "I just need you to tell me where he is."

"Where who is!" Amora replied impatiently.

Wanda's attitude changed very quickly. She shook her head in disappointment towards Amora, laughing slightly. She began to conduct an energy ball between her palms now getting closer to Amora again. She began to absorb Amora's power just in the smallest amount, to make her feel pain. Amora gasped as if she was out of air, the pain was something that didn't hurt like others. Wanda let go, returning her magic back to Amora.

"You need to change your attitude." Wanda said slyly, "Now I'm going to ask you again. Where is Strange?"

"I don't know." She replied painfully, "Peter went looking for him here. He's disappeared."

She wrapped her magic Amora's throat, squeezing harshly on her airway.

"You're lying!" She boomed, "This will go a lot easier if you just tell me please."

She let go of Amora's throat, with her now gasping for air falling down to the floor. Amora looked at Peter, still catching her breath, but in the midst of it she was able to mouth two words to him. "Run, Now." He shook his head at her, refusing to leave her behind while she was literally being tortured.

"Why are you doing this?" Amora cried, "What happened to you?"

"What happened to me was that I lost everything. Everything I loved, and no one was there to help me." Wanda replied with pain in her voice, "I mean where were you? Crying about your near dead ex boyfriend?"

Amora was taken back by the harsh words,  but knew deep down Wanda didn't mean it. This was the dark hold talking, it had got a grasp on her and was moving her to the shadows where evil lied.

"When I made westview, I had everything I wanted again. Vision, Pietro, god I even had my own kids. I was happy." She continued, "But I was hurting people, badly. And where was anyone to stop me from doing this in the first place?"

Amora looked down at her feet, trying not to cry. She thought back to when she had first met Wanda in Sokovia, and how Wanda had helped her something she was deeply greatful for. She remembered when her and Wanda were isolated in the Raft, getting treated like monsters together. Somehow they were never very close but yet had so many memories together, as if they were sisters. Amora looked back up, giving a quick glance to Peter one more time then looking at Wanda once again.

"Just let him go please." Amora pleaded, "He didn't do anything to you."

"Amora no-" Peter tried to stammer out before being shut up by the Scarlet Witch.

"Oh I'll let him go." Wanda laughed, "In fact I'll let the both of you go since you don't know shit. But... I can't have you trying to stop me. I better send you guys for a blast in the past."

Wanda using her magic ripped a hole in midair, an opening to another universe. Amora looked confusingly at her not understanding what it was for. Then Wanda pushed Peter through abruptly, leaving Amora no time to react.

"PETER!!!" Amora screamed at the top of her lungs.

Wanda opened another rift in the room, insinuating that Amora would be next.

"Y-You don't have to do this." She begged.

"Oh but I do." Wanda smirked, now pushing her through the second rift.

Colours surrounded Amora as she went flying to another universe. She didn't know what to expect, and she was not prepared for what might be waiting for her. She kept falling and falling, as she thought she would continue for eternity. Her thought was sharply put to an end when she landed. She landed somewhere familiar, but it was different. It was the Avengers compound, or what was left of it at least. Everything was destroyed, damaged but a damage that was already imprinted in her mind. She walked through the field making her way to the forest. Amora cut through the branches looking for a soul in sight. From behind she saw Bruce Banner in his smart hulk form. As she continued to walk closer she saw Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson. That's when she saw him too, Steve. She realized now what Wanda had meant by a blast in the past, meaning she had literally put her in the past. She approached closer, trying to go unnoticed, that was until she broke a branch. They all looked at her, Bucky and Sam coming to greet her, she looked behind them though and saw the guilt in Steve's eyes. All she wanted to do was right hook the guy, after all he shattered her heart.

"Go." She muttered out, "Go return the stones."

She put on a fake smile, when really she was dying inside. She just relived the worst moment of her life all over again. Except the moment was changed, he did leave again to go return the stones, but ten seconds after he came back and he wasn't alone. Amora looked at the figure beside him covering her mouth, tears running down her face. As she ran up to them she embraced the figure, now in a hysterical sob.



Sorry by brain has been kind of fried today so the writing might not be the best. Not saying my writing is ever good anyways. <3

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