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Third Person Narrative

Peter arrived back to the car after many hours talking to aunt May. He didn't realize how long he had been, it didn't really sink in, until he found Amora sleeping soundly in the passenger seat. Entering the car, he tried to close to door as lightly as he could, but it was no use. Amora shifted in her seat, letting out a soft yawn proceeding to open her eyes.

"What time is it?" She said stretching.

"Oh you know quarter to seven." Peter replied scratching the back of his head, "Sorry for taking so long."

"That's alright, I was able to get some decent shut eye in the process." She beamed back.

Amora yawned again, shutting her eyes to combat the sun. Peter started the car, and proceeded to drive away back to his apartment. The sun rose rather eloquently as he drove back, he swore he could see beautiful gleams of red in the sky that sparkled whismfully. By time they got back it was nearly 8 am, another night had surpassed since Amora first arrived. They walked into the apartment complex, hopping on the definitely not up to code elevator.

"Could I use your shower possibly?" Amora asked politely.

"Y-Yeah Yeah of course you can." Peter stuttered.

"Thanks." She smiled at it him, that damn smile which made Peter melt.

Peter unlocked the door to his apartment, leading her to the bathroom. Her grabbed her a couple of towels and a change of clothes on the way there.

"Here." He said handing her the stuff, "A couple of a towels, and a clean change of clothes if you need. They might be a little big though considering they are my clothes." Peter laughed.

Amora took the items from Peter's hands, looking into his deep brown eyes.

"Thank you." She said for the second time today, he always did something for her that she didn't have anything to say but thank you.

Amora closed the bathroom door, peeking her head out smiling towards him until she had to move her face so it wouldn't be pinched.

"Oh and I'm going to head out for a bit, pick up some groceries and stuff." Peter said lightly knocking on the door.

"Sounds good." She yelled through the door back.

Amora continued what she was doing, she turned the water faucet, making sure the water was hot before she entered the shower. As she dove in, she let the hot water run down her face, absorbing the warmth that soothed her new and old wounds. She inhaled the steam letting it clear her throat, letting it clear her mind. She completely zone out, it had been at least half an hour before she finally turned off the water. She hopped out of the tub, wrapping herself in the towel she had left on the counter. As she began to dry herself off, she heard a creak coming from the living room area.

"Peter?" She yelled out, "You home?"

No response. After that it was silence, nothing was to be heard. Amora shook it off, just assuming she must've made it up in her head. She continued to dry herself off, now putting on Peters clothes that he had given her rather than the old ones she had coming into this new universe. Ringing out her hair she entered the living room, that's when she realized she was indeed not alone. She dropped the towel, swinging behind her with a roundhouse kick, only to be stopped by a red cloud of magic. She looked up to see someone she wasn't expecting.

"Wanda?" Amora gasped, "H-how are you here? I-I checked the SHIELD files, you don't exist here."

"That is because it's me." Wanda smiled, "From our world Amora, I know you."

She gave a sad smile and went up to her old friend pulling her into a hug. Amora hadn't seen Wanda in over a year maybe, no one had seen or heard from her since the funeral, she went completely off grid. She let Wanda out of the embrace laughing lightly. It was that bit of hope that Amora desired, really what she needed. The two caught up a bit, Wanda describing her curfuffle in Westview, though she left out many key details, not that Amora would know anyways. After that Amora proceeded to tell her about what happened with Steve, and then told her about the most recent events that got her sent here, telling Wanda she had been looking for Strange.

"Did you ever find him?" Wanda interrogated, coming off a little strong.

"No." Amora frowned, "No one from our world lives on here."

"Well I mean at least one person lives on here, just in a different form." She chuckled, "Isn't this a Peter Parker variants apartment we are in right now? And aren't those his clothes?"

Amora froze, how did she know who Peter Parker was? Amora only knew because she was between worlds when the spell happened, no one not even a witch like Wanda could possibly remember. Unless... No. Amora wouldn't accept that there was no way, Wanda was her friend. She thought back to the symbols on the walls, in the sanctorium and now how Wanda questioned Strange's whereabouts. The puzzle pieces were falling into place, a place that Amora deeply so desired not to go. She looked back at her friend, maybe now foe giving off a fake smile as she scanned her attire. She noticed the darkness of Wanda's fingertips, something that only happened when you read a certain book for long periods of time. She couldn't deny what was in front of her, Wanda was indeed the Scarlet Witch.

"Yeah, um I met him when he got caught up in our world, and he's been helping me out over here." Amora replied trying not to tremble.

How would she get out of this she thought. Yes, Amora was greatly powerful but she knew Wanda was stronger. It would be no use, unless she could get the upper hand. She continued to sweet talk Wanda planning her attack in the midst of conversation. Nothing to harm her as she cared about her friend deeply, but just to hopefully disarm her. Amora shifted quickly in the middle of conversation, attempting to strike her with a ball of magic. It didn't work in the slightest, Wanda simply absorbed some of her magic, causing Amora to groan in discomfort.

"You know, a witch once said to me 'I take power from the undeserving, it's kind of my thing.' And now, it's my thing." Wanda whispered in Amora's ear.

Then and there everything went dark for her. That was the last thing she heard before slipping into unconsciousness, with it imprinting the fear in her mind.

OOP i made Wanda lowkey evil rn idk also if it flowed out as i wanted it to but the second last dialogue from Wanda im kind of proud of LOLLLLL

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