Chapter One

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Audrey's P.O.V.

Beep. Beep. Beep. My alarm went off. I got off my bed and checked my phone, covering my eyes with my hand from the sunlight creeping from the slight slit inbetween my blinds. Oh crap! I'm going to be late! It was 7:30, and I hardly had any time to get ready for the first day of school. I was a senior this year, and trust me, I couldn't wait to finish highschool and get out of this hell hole.

I quickly washed my face and brushed my teeth, then ran into my room and took out the outfit I set out for myself yesterday.

I changed and ran downstairs...7:50 No time for breakfast. Damn, this day wasn't turning out too well. Picking up my lunchbag, and running out the door, I was determined to make it to school on time, no matter what it took.

The school wasn't too far from my house...thank god. Maybe a 10 minute walk? Meaning I would seriously need to hurry up, not too good to show up late on your first day back. I was hunkering along when I heard a familiar voice in the distance. "Hey, Audrey! Get in, you're going to be late!" It was none other than my best friend Lizzy.

Greeting her wih a "Hey," and a, "Thank you so much!" we were already on our way to school.

She parked her car and together we walked in. We had no time to talk since classes were going to start soon. I ran to my first class, Science! Sure, it wasn't my favorite subject, but it was way better than some of my others. I love math, which may seem strange to some people. I refered to myself as a normal teenage girl, but how many girls do you know that love math of all subjects? I'll tell you, not too many.

I burst through the door right on time to see everyone picking their seats. Most seats were taken, yet there were some in the back! Perfect I thought. I sat down and got comfortable. The teacher, Mr. Richards was calling out names for attendance.

"Audrey?" He yelled.

"Yes sir, I'm present!" I called out in response.

He kept calling out names til' he got to one that sounded quite familiar. "Wesley? Wesley Stromberg?"

As if on cue, a breath taken Wesley burst through the door...looks like he slept in as well, at least I wasn't the only one! He looked around for an empty seat, and ohh lucky me.. there was one single chair, which seemed to be screaming out sit here.

He trudged over and put his bag down eyeing me. "What are you looking at?" I spat bitterly. I couldn't help it, I just hated the kid.

"You tell me...cause I've never seen anything like it before."

Gross. Wesley Stromberg, school's biggest player was hitting on me. That was a definite no-no.

"Whatever." I mumbled, trying not to lash out at him.

"You're cute when you're shy." Wesley mentioned. Okay, no. That's just...wrong.

"Uhm, just so you know some of my friends are going to a party after school.. I could take you there, then we could come to my house and you know... chill." he smirked at his last comment.

"No way. I'm not some girl that would let you take advantage of me. I'm not that stupid! And I don't get it anyways. Whats so good about you? You're a lying, cheat who plays girls! You just take advantage of them, and then leave." Sitting back in silence, I discovered the extent of hate I carried for him. Which, in my case, was a lot. I never realised how much his actions bothered me, until now.

I glanced back over to Wesley, who currently sat in his chair with a look of pure shock written on his face. Bet he wasnt expecting that, right? Moments passed until his face relaxed a bit and he spoke again saying, "Okay, I didn't mean it like that. And maybe your right...but at least give me the chance to change your mind."

I ignored his last comment, and found myself lost deep in thought when the bell rang. I ran out so I wouldn't have to face Wesley. What did he mean by me giving him a chance to change my mind?

For some reason, I really didn't want to know.

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