Chapter Fourteen

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Audrey's P.O.V.

There I stood, in Wesley's arms. It felt like the whole world had been muted, and we were the only ones there. I could just let everything out, and I wouldn't be embarassed, he was going to be there. All the doubts I had about him, suddenly disapeared. I've seen yet another side of Wesley, one that cared more than anything for my happy being, which was pretty hard to imagine just a couple days ago.

I hadn't noticed I had been full on crying, until I felt his hand sliding down my wet face, wiping my tears away. I could tell he really wanted to help me, but there was nothing he could do. We stood there in silence, until I heard his soft melodic voice sing to me. Wesley Stromberg was singing to me! I soon realised he was singing "Keep Holding On" by Avril Lavigne. I must admit, I wasn't too fond of the singer, yet hearing the words coming out of Wesley's mouth made me re-think my taste in music.

"That was beauiful, Wesley." I mumbled, feeling the warmth in my cheeks spreading.

He chuckled, obviously amused by my sudden timidness. I was completely not prepared for what he had said next. "Not as beautiful as you Audrey, nothing compares to you."

I froze up. My whole body tensed, my heart on the other hand, was beating so hard it felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. I wouldn't have been surprised if he heard it...

He wouldn't look me in the eyes, he was just staring at the pale, tiled hospital floor. Not thinking, I slipped my hand under his chin, forcing him to look at me. His face had turned red, his eyes sparkling, making him look undeniably adorable. I couldn't resist myself, looking at his plump, soft lips. More than anything I wanted to kiss them. We were close enough so I could feel his breath, his chest was rising and falling faster than I had realised.

Turns out, he was feeling it to. The tension between us, we were both waiting for the other to make the first move. I wasn't sure if he wanted to take it slow for my sake, but it was Wesley Stromberg we were talking about. The guy never takes it slow.

It's like something in him gave in, he pressed his lips to mine, ever so gently. After he pulled away, I just stood there, savouring the feeling of his sweet lips on mine. No one had ever made me feel like this. No guy had ever gotten control of me, like Wesley.

"Ugh, might as well get a room you two..." Christina grumbled, breaking the silence.

"We've seen enough, we get it, you guys like eachother, no explanation needed." Lizzy added in, crossing her arms over her white hospital gown.

Wes and I pulled apart slightly, equally embarassed. We both must have forgotten that we weren't alone anymore.

Liz and Christina might think that Wes and I like eachother, but neither of us have admitted it yet. From time to time I would second-guess my feelings for Wes. What if he was playing me? What if he liked me now, then got bored and moved on? What if all of this was one big mistake. The never ending line of questions in my head always kept me doubting.

He was either going to be like every other guy, and be there when I need him, then leave my life as soon as It's over...Or, he will stay in my life for a long time, and be that one person I could always turn to, always rely on. I wanted him to be that person, but I couldn't force him to be something he wasn't meant to be.

Wesley's arm slung over my shoulder, waking me from my trance. I then remembered Bernadette, I had to wake her up! What were the odds she wouldn't wake, If my other two friends had? Slim, but god has his ways...and I had learned that everything happens for a reason, no matter how small that reason might be.

I walked over to the third, and final bed, where Bernadette was lying. She was unbearably pale, her body thin and fragile from the accident. Her long brunette hair was slung across her right shoulder, making it look like she was just taking a quick nap, instead of sleeping in a coma.

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