Chapter Seven

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Wesley's P.O.V.

"I think I should take you home, you need to be with your family right now." I suggested.

"I think you're right. Thank you once again, you've been a great friend."

Friend. I'm not sure what it was about Audrey.. but she made me want to be more than that to her. I wasn't going to mess everything up with her, so being her friend was okay for now, considering even I'm not sure where we stand at this point.


I cruised around her street, towards her house. She was being awfully quiet the whole ride from the hospital. Honestly, I didn't blame her...she's been through enough trama to last a lifetime.

"We're here." I mentioned, while running to the passengers side of my car, opening the car door for Audrey.

"Thank you. I can't say that enough." She smiled, the smile reaching her eyes, lighting them up.

I kissed her cheek and was about to leave, when she held my arm back. "Stay with me." She whispered. "My parents won't be home until late. They haven't heard about the accident yet, and they're going to be coming home later from work...So, stay with me."

I didn't need to be asked twice.  I patiently waited while she unlocked her front door. There was a click-click-thump as the door unlocked and smacked against the wall inside her house.

I followed her up to her room upstairs. Her house was huge, I didn't get to see the whole thing, yet it already surpassed my expectations.

"Come in." Audrey's voice urged, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I stopped in my tracks taking a good glance around her room. I tried to take everything in, and when I was done, I already memorised most of her room. She had a queen sized bed, and her walls were painted sky blue. She had a mirror hanging on her wall, sitting on top of a giant drawer holding god knows what... for all I knew she could a fit a body in there...

As I was looking around something caught my eye.  It was stuck under her pillow, bearly visible. I'm pretty sure I wasn't supposed to notice it, and I was about to not mention it at all, but like they say...curiousity killed the cat!

I walked over to her bed, and pulled her pillow from under her sheets. "What's this?" I asked.

A look of panic crossed her face. "What? NO don't touch that!" She rushed over and grabbed a small, pink book which looked a lot like a diary out of my hands.

"What is it?" I repeated, hopefully this time actually recieving an answer.

"None of your business.." She mumbled, blushing, and looking down at her toes.

"Come on, you owe me at least enough to show me what it is." I reasoned.

"Fine, but you might not like what you read." Audrey warned, putting the small book back into my hands.

I sat back on the corner of her bed, flipping through the pages. I was right when I guessed it was her diary. As I was flipping the pages, I caught my name mentioned half way through the book.

It read: Great, another year of highschool. I can't wait to get out...all this drama is so pointless, it's

like we're back in elementary school. I might be stuck with that asshole Wesley again....That's the

absolute last thing I need right now. If only looks could kill...he'd be dead 37 times by now. All those

girls lining up to be his play toys.. I guess he's living the life that every guy wants right? Guys are so

shallow... can't they see through that "perfect blonde exterior" and realise that there is more to a

person than looks?! I guess I should just save it, someone like him is really not worth my time and

worry. I could care less if all those girls are being used...they're getting what they deserve after all.

I gasped at how low she thought of me. I mean yeah, most of that was true...but she didn't even know me at the time! How did she have the right to judge me like that? I tried to make it look as if her words had no effect on me. Maybe i was doing the wrong thing.. maybe she really wasn't worth it. I could go back to "using" girls.. at least that way she'd be satisfied for being right about me. No. What was i doing? I wasn't going to let her have that satisfation... I was going to prove her wrong...because honestly, she didn't know me as well as she might have thought.

"I'm sorry...I wrote that before I actually met you. I would take back what i wrote, if i could." She sounded if she actually cared if I got mad.

"You know's fine. I think you're right about most of what you wrote..but like I said before, i'm not the same guy i was! I actually care about you, you should have realised that by now. If I didn't care, I wouldn't be here right now."

I looked back at the book, and kept flipping.. I wonder what else she wrote about me. When I got to the very back of the book, there was a small piece of paper tucked inside the pouch. It was cut exactly to fit the small piece of paper. I pulled it out and unfolded it.

The heading read "My Bucket List." I folded the paper back up, and shoved it into my back pocket before Audrey noticed. Huh. I think I just got a paper full of ideas to make her like me, did I get lucky or what? This was going to be the best surprise...she would get to do all the things she dreamed of, and the best part, was she was going to remember doing them with me.

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