Chapter Twenty- Five

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Audrey's P.O.V.

I woke up to my head throbbing through my skull, and a sharp pain in my side.

Slowly, I started rubbing my head, trying desperately to ease the throbbing without hurting my side in the process. To my disappointment, I ended up hurting myself anyways. I was too curious to know what the pain in my side had come from, as I lifted my shirt up ever so lightly, revealing a deep gash. I had excess blood splattered all over my stomach as well. How nice.

Shaking my head from my thoughts, I felt like I would vomit. I thought of the next question I had.

Where was I?

For the first time since I woke up, I took a look at my surroundings.

I guessed that my body was dispersed onto the floor of a small compartment, much like a closet. I flinched at the sudden stab in my side, quite literally. A sudden rush of memories engulfed me, as I remembered everything that happened in the past couple hours. The notes, the threats, the attack...It all happened.

Who did this?

It was the only other question I kept coming back to.

The sudden creaking of the door snapped me from my thoughts. The lighting in the small compartment was dim, the walls painted brown, making it even harder to recognize where I was, and who was with me.

"I see you've woken up." A voice stated.

In fact, I knew that voice. It was one that annoyed me to a great extent.

"What are you doing here? Were you the one who did this to me?" I asked, too drained to raise my voice.

The footsteps were moving around me, making it hard for me to focus.

"No, I'm not, as surprising as it might seem. Don't get me wrong, I still hate you. Funny thing, jealousy. It's such a strong emotion, an emotion that has the power to make even the most innocent, very deadly," she mused, still pacing around me.

From the look she was giving me, it was obvious she was trying to hint towards something, but what? I was lost, both mentally and physically at this point, and way too tired to care. I wanted information, and I was planning on getting it.

"You weren't in on this, yet you're the one who locked me in this closet. You realise that makes no sense!" I yelled.

"Now, now. Did you ever hear those words escape my mouth? No, because they didn't. I never said I wasn't in on it, but that doesn't mean I was the one who specifically did this to you. That, was someone else's doing," She explained.

"Sophia, just tell me." I urged.

"I can't. I agreed to keep their identity a secret." she said, shrugging.

"Tell me, since when do you ever keep your promises?" I questioned, folding my arms across my chest.

She chuckled to herself, "It really does depend on the secret, Audrey. I trust no one, that's the way I play this game."

What game?

She no doubt saw the look of confusion on my face as she replied, "You really are annoying...try to be more patient. Sooner or later, you'll figure things out. I'm just waiting for that day." Sophia mused.

"If you want me to know anyways, why not just tell me?" I implied.

"I want you to suffer, just like you made me." She seethed.

I started getting scared, the fear really hitting me. Who ever else was working with Sophia was trying to make my life a living hell, and it was working.

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