Chapter three

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Audrey's P.O.V.

*Ring* the bell went off for lunch. I walked through the cafeteria doors looking for Lizzy, Bernadette or Christina. They were my best friends, without them, I don't know what I would do.

 I find it funny how we're all friends, yet we're all so different. Yet, as they say, oposites attract, right?

I was hoping that I wouldn't run into Wesley while I was eating lunch, but odds of that were slim. There was a part of me that wanted him to change my mind.. but there was also that part that knew he was a jerk, and that he wasn't worth my time.

I spotted my friends sitting in the corner of the cafeteria. They were laughing and talking, like usual, but they were looking at someone...

oh no.. oh please no.

"Audrey!! Come sit, I think you've got a visiter!" Christina yelled. I shot her a look saying What is he doing here? She just laughed at my anger, and pulled me down. Wesley stood up from where he was sitting and moved closer to me. What does he think he's doing...

He leaned closer to me, his breath lingering on my neck. "I think we should talk. We didn't get to finish our conversation from this morning." I was trying not to give in, after all I was going to show him who was in charge.

"You're wrong, that conversation was over, and so is this one." His face almost looked hurt.. I abruptly got up, took my lunch with me, and sent a quick nod to my friends letting them know I was going somewhere else to get away from him.

I went to the first place I thought of, the library. The place where not many people went, and the place that made it easiest to hide from Wesley. Unfortunatly, the idea of him following me never arose in my plan. I heard his footsteps chasing after mine, getting closer and closer... until "Audrey stop."

I stood still. I wasn't sure what to do, I couldn't just run away, I would look pathetic. I guess I had no choice. I turned around to see him standing there, he was genually disapointed. The frown on his face giving him a depressed look.

 "Why won't you talk to me?" he murmered.

"Why do you care so much? You can just go pick some girl up, do whatever you want to her and forget about me, and what I said." I told him, growing impatient.

"Don't you see?  I can't. And I have no idea why. I want to change, I really do. I don't want to be the same person I was, because I'm not that person anymore."

"You don't even know my name." I replied, rolling my eyes at his stupidity.

"Okay, well let's start over." he said. "I'm Wesley Stromberg, what's your name?"

"I-I'm Audrey Ryder." I stuttered my words. Why was I even talking to him?

"This may sound strange, but I think I've seen you from somewhere before..?" He questioned, evidently lost in his thoughts.

"Figures you wouldn't remember your first friend." I scoffed, but kept going. "On your first day of elementary school, I tried befriending you. I don't know why I even tried, since you left me as soon as someone else came." I really wasn't sure why I was telling him this, but once I opened my mouth, I just couldn't seem to close it.

"That was you? I do remember! I can't believe I did that, look I'm really sorry, but that happened a long time ago. I was different. " He started to come closer to me, his footsteps were the only thing I heard echoing in the hallway.

"Forgive me. Give me a chance to start over with you, I know you're different than all those other girls.. and this could be good for the both of us." He whispered.

"How would that be good for me?" I replied. "There is nothing I want from you."

"Well...go out with me. Give me 25 days to show you the real me." He mused.

"What do you mean by 25 days?" I asked, my head running through ideas.

"25 days just you and me, and no one else." 

Maybe I should take this chance and go out with him, it would give me a popularity boost...and people might start to actually notice I exist.

The logical, and some-what selfish side of me took over.

"Okay fine. You have 25 days to make me like you. If on the 25th day I still have no feelings for you, we forget this ever happened." This was going to be interesting...

"Fine, but.. if you do start to get feelings for me up to the 25th day, well, all I can say is that you'll be getting what you want." He smirked. "First day starts today. I'll pick you up at seven for a surprise!" He whispered, winking.

Oh god. What did i just get myself into?

Well.. at least one things for sure. I am not going to have feelings for Wesley Stromberg.

Maybe i should just keep repeating that....

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