Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Chapter Thirty-Eight: Audrey's P.O.V.

I stood frozen as I looked towards Wes and the police officer. I made the decision to go back and stay. I wanted to know what happened next...I needed to know. Sighing deeply, I headed over towards them, slightly shaking in eagerness.

"Officer?" I asked, making it known to him that I was involved.

"Hello Miss, I was just telling your boyfriend here-" he pointed towards a grinning Wes "that it seems everything is going to be alright. Liz has dropped any charges that resulted from the vandalism of her house." the grey-haired police man explained, grinning along with us.

"Wow, really? That's-that's amazing! I'm not sure why she would do something so out of the ordinary, though." I frowned, realising that it really was strange for her to drop charges. 

Wasn't she the one who wanted me dead? 

"Sometimes people find it best to move on. What happened was in the past, yes? If she had pressed charges, you would take it to court. Not to mention you can press charges against her for harming you." the man shrugged.

I nodded, that did make sense. Although Liz was now more of an enemy than a friend, she was still a very clever girl. I didn't want her life to be ruined because of some anger she held towards me and Wes. Like the officer had said, she would get over it eventually.

"Wes, can I talk to you please?" I whispered, an idea roaming my brain.

"Yeah, of course babe. One minute, officer." 

The man chuckled, shrugging. "My work here is done, anyways. Hope you have a wonderful day, kids. Try not to get caught up in trouble again." he winked, making his way through the crowded hotel hall.

"What's wrong?" Wes frowned.

"I know this is really...sudden, but I think we should go back. Our families are already here, anyways. I think our trip's over, either way." I whispered, glancing at Keaton and his mom, along with my own mom and my dad.

"Whatever you want, but I think we should give Drew and Christina a heads up." he chuckled, his grin making my own lips tug up in a smile.

"I don't want you to think this trip was a waste, because it really wasn't. I had so much fun, with you and our friends. I couldn't have had a better trip. I love you, Wes. Thanks for planning this out. Sorry it had to end so soon, but I think it's better this way. I have some un-resolved issues back home that I need to take care of as well." I mumbled, picking at my nail in thought.

"Issues? I thought we were done with those." Wes grumbled, pouting in that cute way of his.

"We will be soon enough, there's just one person I need to talk to." I replied.

"Okay, sounds good." Wes chuckled, placing a gentle kiss on my lips. 

I smiled in delight, kissing him back with passion. Wes grinned back, pure joy in his features, then turned around and called Keaton over.

"Hey Keats! How's it going? Did you miss us?" I pouted, doing my best sad face.

"Yeah with you guys gone, everything's been really dull. Anyways, I'm glad to see you guys stayed out of trouble." he nodded sarcastically.

I chuckled at his response, gripping Wesley's hand. "Well Wesley's just the trouble-maker isn't he?"

"Only if you want me to be. Hell, if you're into badboy's, I'd be willing to learn a thing or two from Liz." he bargained, wriggling his eyebrows.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2013 ⏰

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