Chapter Six

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Wesley's P.O.V.

As we were walking towards the hospital, I was imagining what Audrey was going through. It hurt me to see her this sad, since there wasn't much i could do to help. There was one thing i was sure of, I was going to help her get through this. In the pit of my stomach I knew her friends were going to be fine. I kept telling her this, yet i wasn't sure who i was trying to convince, her or myself. I kept imagining what it would be like to lose Keaton or Drew... words could not explain what sorrow suddenly overcame me. I had to stay strong for her.


"Excuse me?" Audrey managed to get out.

"Yes dear? Are you visiting someone?" The woman at the main desk of the hospital asked with a sincere look plastered onto her face.

"Infact, yes...we are." She looked back at me with a weak smile. She shuffled back slightly so she could grab my hand. I gave it a reassuring squeeze letting her know everything was going to be fine.

"We're here to visit Lizzy, Bernadette, and Christina. What room might they be in?" I politely asked.

It took the woman a moment to scan down her list of patients until she replied, "Ah yes, room 216, i'll show you to it. Just please sign in." She handed us a clipboard with a piece of paper attatched reading "Visitors List", which we both wrote our names on. As i was looking down the list i saw a familiar name. Amanda. My heart started racing. I kept telling myself i would be fine, just long as i didn't run into her.

"Just this way." The woman pointed towards the end of the hall. "Last one to the left."

We thanked her and slowly walked down the hall. This was it. I pulled Audrey in, pressing her now trembling body up against mine for support. "Audrey, I'm here for you. Don't be scared."

Her beautiful hazel eyes slowly looked up to mine. "Thank you Wesley, thank you so much. I really don't know what i would do without you." This made me smile. I was happy i could be there for her in a time like this, and i was also glad that she was letting me help instead of pushing me away.

As soon as we entered the room it felt like the temperature dropped. There were three beds set, one next to the other lining up in a row across the wall. I glanced over at Audrey to see how she was processing everything.

Audrey's P.O.V.

It was terrible. Seeing my friends suffering like this. They all had tubes sticking out of their bodies, which now looked fragile and pale. I was told they were in a coma, yet i didn't know exactly what happened that night, or exactly what was wrong with them. Wesley and I sat down in a couple of empty chairs which were lying around in the corner of the now depressing hospital room. We waited until we heard the echo of shoes walking towards our room from the hallway.

"Hello. Are you friends with these patients?" The doctor asked. She was a petite woman with strawberry red hair. "My name is Miranda." The woman said while reaching out a hand for me to shake. "Uhm, yes, they were  my best friends.." I trailed off. "My name is Audrey by the way, and this-" i pointed to Wes. "Is my friend Wesley." He nodded at the mention of his name.

"Anyways, do you mind telling me what happened? Or how they got into this state?" I asked.

"Yes of coarse. I could not imagine what you must enduring right now-" She paused giving me a sincere smile.

"All three are in a coma currently. It is possible they might wake up in a matter of days. As for exactly what happened, I am not quite sure. The driver of the other car in the incident must have called the police, and drove away. There are no other witnesses of what happened. Unfortunatly, they are in a fragile state. The one on the right broke her left rib, and had a mild hit to the head-" She pointed at Lizzy. It took everything in me not to burst into tears right now."As for the other two, the one in the middle broke her right leg, and dislocated her left shoulder. She also had a mild hit to the head-" She pointed towards Bernadette. "Lastly the one on left. She had a severe hit to the head, and broke her right arm." Christina.

At last, I couldn't take it anymore.I broke out into tears, not just regular ones, I was crying my heart out. All my fears, and hopes, and confusion. Wesley grabbed me tightly into his warm arms and stroked my hair occasionally whispering, "They're going to make it, don't worry. Everything will be fine." I burried my face into the crook of Wesley's neck. It was the only place I felt safe right now.

After about an hour of sitting in silence just taking in everything that happened, Wes and I decided to leave. We signed out and were walking back to Wes' car when I heard a high pitch voice yelling "Wesley! Wesley Stromberg? Is that you?" I could feel Wes cringe at the mention of his name. Click-click-click, the sound of her heels pressing against the pavement as they were walking closer towards us.

I gave Wes a look that read Who is she?

He just rolled his eyes and replied, "I'll tell you later, it's a really long story."

I nodded my head in understanding. I turned around to see a girl about my age, maybe a year older, with blonde hair and blue eyes. She struck me as absolutly gorgeous. Now Wesley was making me really curious...why would he take the time to be with me when he could be chasing girls like her? I mean she was everything I wasn't, and inside, it was killing me.

"Ah Wesley, I see you haven't changed one bit-" She cooed as she inspected him. "Still the handsome young man i once fell in love with." She said as if her words held no meaning.


I tried to hide the hurt in my eyes, but it was beyond my control. I turned around and ran. I already made myself look pathetic, I mean What was i even thinking? Thinking someone like Wesley would ever like someone like me. Pathetic. Absolutly...pathetic.

In the distance i heard Wesley's voice crying out my name and yelling, "Audrey, Audrey listen to me!" Not much after, I heard the pounding of his sneakers as he was trying to catch up to me. To my disapproval he yanked my arm, spinning me around, causing me to bang into his hard chest.

He was panting from running after me. We just stood there, the two of us. Him with his eyes full of concern and his chest bobbing up and down, taking in deep breaths. And me, with my aching heart and confused mind.

Eventually Wesley broke the overwhelming silence. What he said took me by surprise. Five words that made my heart flutter.

" I really like you Audrey. I would never do anything to hurt you. And her? She doesn't mean anything to me. Incase you're wondering..that was Amanda. She was my ex girlfriend a really long time ago, when i was living a different life. This, this is me now. The only person I have feelings you." He finished.

I knew that would have been my cue to tell him how I felt, but I still wasn't ready. What he said had come from the heart, yet decisions change. For all i know he could like me one day, then forget about me the next. I couldn't be that naive. In this moment righnow though, I wanted to kiss him more than anything, and that's exactly what I ended up doing.

I moved closer to him and wrapped my arms tightly around his neck. He took the hint and grabbed my waist, holding me like I was about to disappear into thin air any second. I looked into his eyes and gently bit down on my lip, trying not to smile too much. He slowly leaned in, and kissed my lips. I felt like I was exactly where I was supposed to be. My heart was content. I felt fireworks and sparks set off from his every touch. This kiss wasn't like any of the others we've had before, it was more passioniate and controlled. This time we weren't just simply fooling around...we knew what we both wanted, and that was eachother.

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