Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Audrey's P.O.V.

I thought I forgot how to breathe, the extent of shock hitting me hard. I didn't know what to do, get angry, or sad. Maybe the best option was the third, get even.

The best part was she didn't know I knew what she had intended to do. I knew she betrayed me for a guy. Well, not any boyfriend. Why? She was jelous. Had I known that she liked him? No, in all this time, she hadn't mentioned it once.

She skipped over to the table Wes and I were sitting at, then noticing us together, she frowned. Wes still hadn't realised what I've discovered, but I was planning on letting him know. No more keeping secrets or lying to eachother.

I twisted the piece of black fabric, holding it out, I simply stated, "I believe this belongs to you."

She panicked, grabbing it back. "Where did you find this?"

I smirked, "In the janitors closet, where you cornered me yesterday. Isn't that right?"

Wesley finally caught on, glancing back at me. He then turned to her, his teeth grit tightly together, "You....did this to Audrey?"

Shaking her head she stuttered, "N-no! I have no idea what you're t-talking about!"

"Hell you don't. I knew it was you, I just couldn't believe it, is all. I guess I was just running from the truth..." I trailed off, looking at neither of them, but instead at the dirty high school ground I walked on everyday.

Realising I had come to my conclusion, and there was no going back, she switched her act. "Yeah, it was me, alright? Why is that so hard to believe! That I can't be dangerous, or smart, or wanted by someone else? Well, I'm going to prove you wrong, Audrey."

I knew I should have been mad at her, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I felt pity for her. Pity that she didn't see that people really did care for her, or that she was extremely clever. She couldn't see any of that, which was part of the reason she was acting out like this. Shame, that it had to be infront of my own eyes.

"Why didn't you just tell me you liked Wesley?" I asked, completely ignoring her little speech.

Wesley snapped his head over to her as soon as he heard the words fly out of my mouth. "Wait, she did this to you because of me?" He asked, anger in his tone of voice.

"I didn't want you to care. It's not like you even thought about my feelings for a minute, and I don't expect you to think about them now-" she yelled, then turned her body towards Wesley, "I want you, I want you so bad...but you won't even give me a chance, b-because of her!" she said, pointing towards me.

His mouth was agape. I didn't blame him, even I wasn't sure how to respond to that.

"I wouldn't want you even if I had never met Audrey-" Wesley spoke, "I've played tons of girls, what would have made you any different?" He asked her.

"Then what makes Audrey so special?" She practically spat.

He turned his gaze over to mine, sending me a weak smile. "Everything. I can't explain it to you. You wouldn't understand even if I tried. She understood me, she changed me-" Wes chuckled, "Sure, it did take some time, but she was well worth the fight."

I felt my cheeks heat up at the compliments he was giving me. Honestly, how had I hated him before? I must have been blind, how could I have not seen through that act of his?

Right now, It really didn't matter. Not one bit, since I had what I wanted. It was more than what I had ever imagined, he was perfect in every way.

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