Chapter Eight

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Audrey's P.O.V.

I surprised myself. I gained the courage to ask him to stay with me, and that's something I wouldn't often do, especially to Wesley. I actually felt safe with him, which was odd enough as it was...After the little incident of him discovering my diary, I was very relieved he wasn't mad at what I wrote. I wasn't sure how he was going to handle it, but all he did was say that what I wrote was pretty acurate. Maybe he was changing for the better, like admiting that I was correct...something's up. Is Mr. Popular crushing on the class nerd? I hope not, cause if he is, I've fallen just as hard.


It was getting pretty late, and Wesley was still at my house. It was comforting, to know that there was someone who would always have my back in my times of need. I found myself lost in my thoughts smiling like an idiot...until, obviously Wesley slapped my arm causing me to jump off the couch and give him a death glare.

"What was that for... idiot." I rolled my eyes and turned in the opposite direction, hiding the miniature smile that was slowly creeping onto my face.

Next thing I know Wesley's face is only inches away from mine, as his lips formed a slight frown, while flapping his eyelashes like a girl, looking at me with his best puppy dog face.

"Common, admit it, you just can't stay mad at me. I'm way too cute to stay mad at!" He mocked a high pitched girl's voice, while flipping his hair and shooting me a smile that made my knees go weak.

"You might be cute, but you're not impossible to not stay mad at. I legit hated you for over two years...which proves my point right there." I shot back harsher than I meant to.

"Well, I'm hoping you got over that phase...and that you'll realise I'm still becoming the person I want to be, therefore I will make mistakes. I just need to know that you'll be there when I make them, and not run away and hate me again-" He paused, looking into my eyes with hurt written all over his face. "That's something I wouldn't be able to handle." He finished, looking down at the ground.

"I really mean it when I say this Wesley, I don't think I would ever go back to hating you again. Our friendship means a lot to me, I can't  just forget everything that happened in the past few days." I said while lifting his chin up to make him look up at me.

He gave me a real smile, like the ones when a little kid walks into a toy store, the look of pure joy that overcomes them. I couldn't help but smile back, his smile was so contagious! I wasn't sure what Wesley was doing to me, but I think I was starting to like it...

"What do you want to do?" Wesley whispered in my ear.

"Want to watch a movie? It's getting late, and I'm running out of ideas." I asked, shrugging my shoulders.

"Yeah sure....let's watch a horror movie!" He yelled, as his eyes went wide with anticipation.

"Hahaha... Yeah, no. Unless you want me to have nightmares for the rest of the year, I think it would be a better idea to watch a chick-flick." I teased while nudging his sides.

"Rock paper scissors! Best two out of three." He reasoned, while getting his fist ready to play.

"Okay, fine, but I must warn you..I'm the freaking queen of rock paper scissors!" I yelled, while laughing at what an advantage I had.

"Well if you're queen, I must be king." He smirked, winking at me.

"Bring it on, Rock. Paper. Scissors-" We paused waiting to see who won the first round. "Yes!! See, I told you I would win." I shot him a smirk.

"You haven't won yet, Audrey. Be ready to be impressed by my come back."

"Rock. Paper. Scissors-YES! I told you to be prepared! You must say...that was pretty impressive, right?"

"What's impressive, is that i'm letting you win right now." I shot back.

He faked a look of mock hurt. "Geez, i'm not that bad, no reason to let me win...Only one round left, give it all you got."

"You got it. Rock. Paper. Scissors. YES!" I screamed running around my living room doing a little victory dance.

"Guess you weren't joking when you said you were the queen of rock paper scissors..." Wesley mumbled loud enough for me to hear. "What movie are you choosing? Do me a favor, and lets not watch anything too sappy."

"Puh-lease. I saw you crying when we watched the Notebook! Don't lie to me, you love romantic movies." I said while tousling his hair.

"Fine. No need to rub it in..." He pouted. Damn. He looked hot when he was faking sad!

"Lets watch...A Walk To Remember. I absolutly love that movie!" I squeeled while wrapping my arms around Wesley's shoulders to try and get him hiped up about it.

"Well seems like someone's excited...I have no idea what "A Walk To Remember" is to be completetly honest, but if you love it that much...I'll watch it with you."

*After the Movie Ends*

"Wow, I must admit. That was an amazing movie! I think I should always let you pick the movies we watch, but once in a while, you owe me a horror movie!" He sniggered.

"Yeah, yeah, keep dreaming..." I retorted, lying back down on the couch.

There was no way I was watching another horror movie. The last time I did was with Ben, and lets say the memories were not too pleasant...

It was 11:00pm and I was already totally drained from school, and according to all the yawns that Wesley exhaled...I'm pretty sure he was too. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me in closer to him. We just lied there on the couch infront of the T.V. cuddling, and before we knew it, we fell asleep.

"Audrey Lea Ryder You get up this instant!" My mother's voice was full of anger and shock, like I had betrayed her, and in a way...I did.

"Who is this boy?" My mother's eyes pierced through Wesley while she spoke.

"Hi-um, I'm Wesley-" He said, stuttering his words. "A friend of Audrey's." He quickly added.

"Well then, nice to meet you Wesley-" My mother's tone relaxed. "As for you Audrey, next time you want to have someone else over, you tell me. Clear?"

"Clear." I mumbled. Well..that was a close one. I was surprised my mom wasn't as mad as she usually was when I invited someone over without her permission...don't get me wrong, she was still mad, just this time, it's like she was going easy on me. My mom never goes "easy" on me. Something's up, and I'm going to figure out what.

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