Chapter Seventeen

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Wesley's P.O.V.

Yesterday wasn't what I expected it to be. I went to Sebastian's party expecting to have a good time, and dance with Audrey, yet things started going downhill when his house started filling up with a whole bunch of heavy-breathing, sweaty teenagers. I was gripping onto Audrey's hand, but it was useless, it was just too crowded. We got separated by a couple who were grinding up against each other. I tried circling around them, and when I finally got out of the crowd....I couldn't see her anywhere! Looking around the dim lighted room I was in, Audrey was no where to be found.

I had a couple shots, but not enough to make me drunk. My vision was starting to blur, but I could still see fairly clear. Audrey on the other hand, was pretty much waisted. I didn't want her to get drunk. When you're drunk you do stupid things, and I wouldn't want her doing anything she'd regret doing later.

Maybe she was with Christina...or maybe she was outside?

Choosing the second option since I didn't even know where Christina was, I decided on checking outside.

When I heard a shrill shriek, my feet felt like they were glued to the ground. I knew that voice from anywhere....Audrey.

The moment I heard her voice, I knew that something was wrong. I couldn't make out what she had yelled, but it was enough to have me running through the swarm of warm bodies pressed up against eachother.

Nothing was stopping me from getting to her. If I didn't make it in time, I would never forgive myself.

Finally getting out of the overheated house, I made it outdoors. What I saw made me cringe inside. At first I was shocked, then...I felt the anger running through my veins, like fire that was being ignited.

She was pressed up against the hard brick wall of Sebastian's house, her face full of shock. I could see she was weak, she was shaking from fear. A guy was holding her there, knife in hand. To see her in this position killed me. I should have held onto her, if I did, none of this would have happened. I could have stopped her from drinking, she could be sober at this point, and be able to fend for least until I got there.

Without thinking, I ran up to the guy who was unquestionably trying to rape her, and punched him straight in the nose. The anger evident in my punch. A rough grunt escaped the man's lips. I tried to relax, I felt my heart pumping, and my blood rushing. The adrenaline running through my veins was enough to trigger thoughts.

 Thoughts that ran through my mind...were ones I've never experienced before. I was thinking of killing him. Consequences or not, it didn't matter, any guy who had the nerve to hurt my girl, was practically asking for it.

Looking back at Audrey, I put those thoughts away. Hurting the guy would do no use, it would only show Audrey another side of that I knew she wouldn't be happy experiencing.

I was worried, concerned, guilty, you name it. Looking at the girl before me, thinking How could I have let this happen?

"Are you okay? Are you hurt? I'll take you home right now! I knew this was a bad idea." I rambled on, trying to say something, anything, just to stop the thoughts from getting to my head.

Audrey looked up at me, catching my attention. I was beyond glad that she was okay, and that this was all over and done least I hoped.

"I'm fine, thank you so much, you-you saved me." She stuttered.

I could tell she was just now processing everything that happened. I looked at her, a look of disbelief evident on my face, did she really just thank me for saving her from a man who was trying to rape her? Come on. There was no reason to thank me, when it was practically my fault.

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