Chapter Thirty-Five

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Audrey's P.O.V.

I felt like I couldn't breathe. Like I left all ability to live back in the police car. Now that we were actually here, and facing the toughest officer they could find, I think it's safe to say that we were all scared out of our minds. I felt cramped next to Drew and Wes. We were seated at a rectangular table, in a room that made me rethink the possibilty of me being claustrophobic. The soft grey walls, and tiny camera filming us in the corner of the room reminded me where I was whenever I started to relax. 

A gentle finger poked my shoulder. Turning around, I caught a quick grin that Wes shot towards me, after no-doubt noticing my panic. I sighed, if he was able to keep himself calm, then so was I. 

Looking forwards once more, I was met with the eyes of our interrigator. He was a middle age man, his natural hair black, but now it was met with silver strands inbetween. His eyes were brown, dead brown. I wondered if he had a family to come home to. A family that cared about him when he was gone. If one day he wouldn't come back...if one day the job took his life. I brushed away a stray tear as I thought about my own family, along with Wesley's. 

What were they thinking? Did they even know?

The officer leaned against the table, his eyes piercing ours as he scanned us individually. "We should begin. I would like to inforn you that this could be quick...easy. Although, depending on yourselves, this could also be a very long, very tiring questioning. I would advise you to tell the truth, but not many do, so we'll see how it goes." he explained, finally seating himself to face all three of us.

I exailed, preparing myself for any questions that would be fired our way. We agreed to tell the truth, but also bring in the reason why we did it, and try to persuade them into realising we weren't the bad guys in this situation. Much easier said than done.

"Were you harassing the two ladies who's house you vandalised?" he asked, causing me to flinch in memory. Me? Harassing them? C'mon.

"N-no sir, that's not what happened. See, it was actually the opposite. They threatened me! I have proof if you're willing to see." I bargained, clutching the hem of my shirt. I looked over to Wes and over to Drew for reassurence. They both sent me subtle nods. 

I stood up, with mulitple protests escaping the officers mouth, which I ignored. Blushing, I lifted my shirt up enough to show the visible scar that Liz gave me after the attack in the school parking lot. As soon as I looked at it, I got the sudden flash of memories, and pain erupted through me. I urged myself to look away. I still wasn't comfortable with knowing that the scar would be there for the rest of my a reminder of what I'd done.

 The officers voice faltered, as he thought over something. "We'll get a picture of that later, thank you." he rushed, gesturing for me to sit back down.

I obeyed, squeezing Wesley's hand tightly in reasurrence, more to myself than him.

"Alright, next question. I would like one of you to explain your side of the story." he asked.

Drew, Wes and I exchanged glances. 

Wes leaned in towards my ear, whispering "I would answer this question, but you're no doubt the one who's survived the most. You know and understand more than I do. Is it okay if you tell it?" 

I gulped back the knot that was tied in my throat before whispering back a quick "Sure."

It seemed like I would be the only one questioned this evening, huh?

That's practically how it went, the whole visit there. The officer asking us questions, with no means of letting us know about anything that would happen afterward. Would we be let go? Would an investigation start? What about Liz....what was the damage? 

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