Chapter 54

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I shoved Tye scowling at him as he stumbled backwards. He kicked me in the shin and I brought my knee to his gut. He doubled over and I pushed him to the ground. I kicked him in the side and one last punch to the cheek for good measure.

"Don't you ever touch her again." I shouted grabbing Sally's hand and pulling her back inside. He moaned clutching his stomach as I slammed the door behind me. Just ten minutes later Jack minutes later EJ came in looking confused and stood in front of me.

"Why was Tye on the ground outside saying you beat him up?" He asked.

"He called Sally a little brat and slapped her. So I thought him a important lesson about how to treat us." I shrugged petting Smile dog.

"Couldn't you do that in a less, I don't know violent way." He started getting angry. I stood up.

"No because than he would do it again." I said raising my voice. There was no good reason for him to be angry at me.

"That wasn't right, and Slender is going to be pissed!" He shouted.

"Your going to tell him than!" How could he do that to me!

"Of course, it was a stupid thing for you to do and slender needs to know!"

"But you just met Tye and your picking his side over mine! I'm your girlfriend for crying out loud!" I screamed.

"Well maybe you shouldn't be!" He shouted. He immediately threw his hand over his mouth. I ran out of the house going to the rock we used to sit and talk at. There were no tears coming even though this was a horrible situation. Maybe it was because I did nothing wrong. I put my head in my hands and fell asleep. When I woke up I had a moment of panic not knowing where I was at. I sat up and looked around. I stood up and started trying to find my way back to the house in the dark. I crunched along the leaves as twigs snapped beneath my feet. I started getting worried when I couldn't find the house. I was walking for at least an hour and if I was going them right way I would have been back by now. I sad down and put my head between my knees. Crap. Where the heck am I going and how am I supposed to get back?

"Hello!?" I called hoping to hear a familiar voice. Nothing. Silence filled the air and I looked around trying to get my eyes to adjust to the darkness of it all. Maybe it was for the best that I get lost right? I would probably find my way back though. All I need to do is get out of the woods and than figure out where I am so I could find my way back. I climbed up a tree and leaned against the trunk as my legs swung. The moonlight started to get darker as it started to sink down to the ground. As it did that the sun started to peek over a hill casting shadows of all the trees onto the ground. I waited for the sun to get higher and for it to get brighter before I climbed back down. I climbed to the ground and started wandering through the woods hoping to find the house. If I'd go back in or not was what I need to think about. That and if I even want to be with Jack anymore after what he said. Were we even together now?

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