Chapter 18

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Jeff and Tess were getting really close and everyone was noticing. Jeff and Jack even started hanging out because of how close Tess and Izzy were. "So guys, LJ is coming today and I just want you to know he's a prankster so be careful where you step." Jeff snorted, "How bad can he be." EJ gave him a look. "You're laughing now but when you have a pie in you're face I'm going to be the one laughing." "Ok ok whatever." Jeff said. "Don't worry I'll keep Jeff in check." Laughed Tess. There was a knock on the door. "He's here." whimpered EJ. "It's going to be fine." Izzy told him. "IM HERE." snorted LJ, "what's up with you're faces you look like you've seen a ghost." LJ cracked up. "So how long are you going to be staying again?" Asked EJ. "Jack!long time no see." EJ blushed. "Kill me now." Jeff muttered. "LJ! YOURE BACK!!" Shouted Ben. "Benney boy, how ya doin." Ben and LJ started laughing. "Ooh who are you cuz I like what I see." LJ stared at Tess. "I have a boyfriend." LJ frowned. Jeff stood a little taller and puffed out his chest. "We can change that." Muttered LJ so that no one could hear.

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