Chapter 3

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Iz ran as fast as she could to get home so that her parents wouldn't discover that she's gone. She finally reached their small, dimly lit house. She climbed up the ivy that grew up to her window. She climbed in undetected and snuck into bed. She figured that her parents were passed out on the couch after getting super drunk just like most nights. She fell into a deep sleep, dreaming about far away places with not one trouble in the world. Iz had become used to being alone all the time so it didn't bother her much. A couple words you could use to describe her would be isolated independent and dark. She probably would have turned out better if her parents had raised her a bit more kindly. They even took her out of school because they didn't trust that she would come home straight after school so that they could beat her or ignore her. Iz was slowly going insane from all of the isolation. Her friend Tess's life wasn't much better. After her mother died her father went into shock and it's more her taking care of him than the other way round. A child shouldn't have to take care of their parent. Back to Iz though. Her sister committed suicide after growing weary of their parents abuse. Her name was Kacey and Iz missed her so much. They only had each other for the longest time and it was kind of like for Kacey to give up on her and bail. She was going to avenge her sister and make sure their parents pay for what they've done.

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