Chapter 46

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I have been wandering through the woods for 3 hours now and I still haven't been able to find Jeff. I called his name out again but had no reply. I heard a twig snap behind me and I whirled around. Standing in the shadow of a tree I saw a pack of glowing eyes staring at me. The moon was the only thing providing me with light right now so I could see the outline of wolves. One of them started growling and I wrapped my hand around my knife. One of them lunged at me and I jumped out of the way. Another one jumped on top of me and snapped at me but before it got to my face I brought the knife up into its stomach. The wolf collapsed and I jumped back up. The wolf that had jumped clenched its jaw around my leg and I screamed in pain. I felt the wolves teeth ripped out of my leg and the sound of a dagger tearing through flesh. I turned around and saw someone hunched over the wolf.

"Who are you?" I asked sitting down and grabbing the gushing wound on my leg.

"Tye." The figure said turning around and revealing their face. It was a boy around my age. He had black hair that covered one of his eyes. He had a black shirt on with ripped black jeans. His face was ghostly pale and his shoes were covered in mud.

"What are you doing out in the woods at night." I demanded.

"I could ask you the same question, and I wasn't the one about to be killed by a dog." He spat coming towards me. He took a bandanna out of his pocket and wrapped it around my wound.

"Sorry." I muttered tying the bandanna tightly around my leg. It stung but the bleeding soon slowed down.

"So what are you doing out here than?" He asked sitting down next to me.

"I was looking for someone."

"They must be important for you to wander out in the woods at night on your own."

"Yeah I guess they are." I sighed looking up at the stars.

"Can I walk you home?" He asked looking up at the sky as well.

"Yeah if you can help me walk that would be great." I laughed. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me. He lifted me up and started carrying me bridal style. I directed him in where to go until we arrived. He opened the door and set me on the couch.

"Wait one second." I told him. "SLENDER!" I called up the stairs. He appeared in front of me. I explained to him about what happened with Tye.
"Do you think he could be a proxy?" I asked hopefully.

"I suppose so if he passes the trials." Tye stood there shocked as Slender ushered him into his office. I smiled and hobbled into the kitchen for a bandage. I fumbled around with the kit and pulled out gauze. I wrapped my leg up and than went back to the couch to lay my head down. I let sleep consume me until I drifted.

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