Chapter 55

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Ok so maybe what I did was a little bit over dramatic. I was just having a wretched day so I lashed out at her. I will just apologize when she comes back. I walked into the kitchen to get a coke and I ran in to none other than my brother LJ...again.

"How many surprise visits do you need to make?" I sighed popping the can open.

"Just as many times it takes to get Tess." I rolled my eyes.

"There is no way that she's ever going to date you, you almost broke her and Jeff up." LJ frowned.

"If that didn't brake them up what will?" He asked rubbing his chin.

"Can we please change the subject?" I asked awkwardly. I didn't want to choose a side because Jeff is my friend but LJ is my brother.

"Alright alright," He laughed, "so how are things with you and Izzy?" I looked down at the floor and sighed.

"Not to well." I admitted. I told him what happened from beginning to end and put my head in my hands. "I mean she was just protecting Sally, she's just a little girl."

"Well you are an idiot and when did she leave we could probably go find her." He said reassuringly. He may be a douche but he's my brother. I smiled and followed him outside.

"I think she might be at our special rock because we always use to go there." I smiled remembering that. We weren't dating than though.

"Ok well let's go than." He said patting my back. We walked there talking about all the stuff he's been doing while he has been gone.

"So when are you coming back for good than?" I asked while we crunched along the fallen leaves.

"I don't know," He ran his hand through his hair and sighed, "it's just that I'm not totally sure why I would. No one really likes me here and it would just be pointless."

"Well I want you back soon, I do miss you I mean after all you are my brother." I laughed bringing a grin to his face. We arrived at the rock and she wasn't there. I started getting worried considering she left yesterday.

"Look I found footprints!" LJ said examining the ground. I crouched down next to him and sure enough there were foot prints. I leapt up and started following them. I'm going to find her.

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