Chapter 5

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Draven folded his arms as he observed the brightened eyes of the young boy, Jr, as he ran into Sabrina's arms as if she were missing for years. In other words, he noticed how much he loved his sister, same as she, hugging him tightly.

At least she hadn't lied about this, he was grateful for that because even if he were furious with countless theories that displayed why he shouldn't trust her, he subconsciously tried looking through all of those theories, searching for reasons to trust her. He really wanted to trust her, it felt like a need, an instinct.

Only this time, he wanted to avoid following that instinct. He had been trained better than that.

"Thank you so much for watching him. I really apologize, I'm so sorry" She apologized to Jane, her friend, a teacher, again. Draven had become irritated by her repeated apologies. She apologized like his victims begged for mercy.

Only, it hadn't been amusing.

"Sabrina, what's going on? You would have never done this. I know how cautious you are of him. Is something wrong?" She gripped her arm gently in solace, but Draven knew the look in her eyes anywhere. That look that said 'just blink once, and I'll call the cops', in other words, she thought Sabrina required help and truthfully, she did. Only god himself couldn't aid her. Not from Draven.

Though, the dubious glance from Jane caused him to save her identity into a file of people to remember. If any law authority appeared, he would know to come to her and show her what happens when people don't keep their mouth shut.

Jane gave her a hug after Sabrina assured her she was okay, and Draven wondered did she truly believe that or only said it to throw Jane off. Either way, he mentally thanked her for it. She turned around with Jr's hand as she helped him inside.

Draven hadn't gazed at the boy, as Jr done the same to him, making his way into the back seat whilist Draven l, the driver's. As soon as he reached for his key, Sabrina screamed, and he ducked, startled as bullets were fired at his car. Quickly, Sabrina cradled Jr's head, shielding him with her body and only one second, did Draven feel tempted to do the same for her. Only he knew better.

"Sabrina!" Jane yelled, ducking down, her door still wide open, yelling for them to get inside. Draven thought the idea were stupid, but then again, sitting in a car wasn't better.

"Go" He said. Calmly, he reached behind his seat, loading his submachine MPK. She hadn't moved a muscle, terrified, and he would have comforted her, assured her she wasn't to be harmed, not while he was around, but there was no time.

He scowled at her as she was wasting required time, and she opened the car door whilst Draven ventured out.

As they ran, he fired, needing to take attention off their bodies and redirect on him. He would appear as though he were simply skimming through the night, moving as the eruption of submachine tested the strength of air. Draven's face became a smolder, his lips pursuing together in a tight line, a habit he's become acquainted with when he handled such a weapon that were too easy to lose control of. It were quick, and with some it very well may be weighty, but he utilized it for years. The recoil he despised obviously; however, his hold won't ever vacillate.

Draven were one not to concentrate point, rather shoot a particular way that would do either two things ; get them to fall back or to kill. This time, he needed them to fall back, had their attention been mostly on the house. He knew this since he heard the window break and Sabrina's cries.

Deliberately, he drooped to the ground, far away before he could motion towards a neighbor's vehicle. The firing seemed to silence, cease as he surveyed his surroundings. He hadn't known these individuals, hadn't known how they tracked down him. The obscure made him certain Sabrina had been deceiving him. He didn't believe a single word that escaped her lips, no matter how compelling they were.

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