Chapter 19

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As if he felt the entire Antarctica continent, the now shivering, teeth chattering and drenched clothed man awoke with eyes as wide as saucers as they darted back and forth, around the entire room in a span of ten seconds.

Placing the bucket that was previously filled with freezing water, Draven stared at the shocked man in content. Somehow, he knew he would need to keep a man of the inner circle alive.

So, he did.

He loved his choice, the man who stabbed him, almost took his life. Joey.

His entire body twitched, his head jerking continuously as he forced his eyes closed with a pained yet tortured moan. Draven made sure to freeze the water for quite some time. Let it melt on its own, and as soon as it was nothing but liquid, he threw it at him.

Boiling water would have been better, boiling his skin but he would be in so much agonizing pain that he couldn't answer his questions, so he settled for cold water. "Sorry to awaken you so abruptly" Draven chuckled with evil amusement as Joey's eyes screamed in silence for any heat.

Pulling up a chair, Draven placed a blowing heater in front of them. "Look I'll relieve you if you give me some answers" He smiled.

Draven's eyes furrowed as he realized Joey's lips instantly turned blue, his muscles locked together, no movement, not even his eyelids. Only moans released from his tightened, seamed lips as if they were frozen together.

He looked dead already and now Draven groaned that his plan had gone to waste. He was to torture him, relieve him when his questions were answered but now it seemed he had no choice but to relieve him or he would go into shock, or potentially freeze to death.

With a huff, he pulled Joey's soaking jacket off, his shirt, and turned the heater on to its highest speed. Like a blow dryer, it blew quickly, with slight air first before the orange indicated the heat.

Joey still hadn't moved but Draven saw his eyelids begin opening, his lips trembling. If he'd known Joey's body was this sensitive, he wouldn't have thought of the plan. No matter, he had a backup.

It was a quarter of an hour before Joey began to breathe normally, inching his body closer to the heat.

Even if Draven did assuage him, he stared daggers, his eyes like bullets all-penetrating Draven's body.

"I'm not telling you anything you bastard so you should kill me now" He snapped, Draven instantly rolling his eyes had he expected resistance. More resistance and then the torture was to come, and more torture and he would cave. They all did.

"You know..." Draven trailed, turning the heater off as he began to sweat. "You are a smart man. Got your family out of Manhattan because you knew I would use them against you. Can't say the same about your other colleagues, I killed them."

Again, Draven chuckled as he removed his jacket, Joey's eyes falling to the gun tucked into Draven's pants, his holsters over his shoulder that were meant to carry blades.

Joey made no other reaction but a clenched jaw.

"I understand you have many enemies so... I invited one to speed up this persuasion because I have a woman who I don't have to put on a plane, send off to some country because I can't protect her. Unlike your family, mine can be in the open and still no one would touch her." He felt the way his body tingled; his eyes sparkled at the mention of his family.

Yes, Sabrina and Jr were his family.

Joey's nose twitched, anger building up even as he forced it down. Draven didn't pay him any mind as he opened the door and just like that, Joey's anger washed away, fear replacing.

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