Chapter 37

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Cold breeze whooshed past Sabrina awakening her goosebumps as her eyelids began to flutter slowly.

The window must be open, she thought. She would kill Draven for that.

Groaning, she attempted to turn around and snuggle her body into Draven's chest. His warmth always radiated no matter how cold he was. Only when she attempted, her arms were pulled back, a metal nose heard. No manly hands gripped her, caressed her, and she pulled again the same thing.

Confusion hit as her eyes opened, colors, blurry white colors and she looked at her wrist, blurry silver. Handcuffs?
Now he chose to tease her?

She groaned as she began to hear a sniffle, not her own and so she sat up, her vision clearing slowly as she saw more colors. Black, mocha brown, a blue.

She realized it was black hair, mocha skin, and a blue shirt. Coming into focus, she now saw it was a person, a woman.

A... Julia. Julia cried as she sat, bound to a chair across from Sabrina, and only did Sabrina's heart squeeze as she realized she was not at home, Draven didn't cuff her to a bed, and she was kidnapped.

That weight eased, but it was replaced with sacks filled with gloom. "What happened?" She whispered, careful not to alert anyone to her.

Julia sniffled with a sigh. "Daniel... He noticed Makayla was not in his line, that she was missing and so he found my tablet, commanded her"

Now Sabrina realized why Julia didn't look at her. She felt guilty. "B-but I thought you could only command by voice" At least that's how Daniel always commanded Draven...right?

" No. It can be manual. Has Draven ever told you he saw codes in his mind? That spells out a command? Well, it takes longer but if we can't reach through voice, they can see their command through a code"

Keeping herself maintained, Sabrina fought not to cry. She can't cry in here, they could video cord her and send it to Draven, show him how scared and terrified she is. He would lose his mind and get himself killed. No, stay strong for him. Sighing, she swallowed down her want to cry and asked, "How long have I been here?"

"Three days? Maybe more. They brought you in three days ago, I'm not sure if you were kept anywhere else. The headache you're feeling was caused by sedatives. It's how they got you here and well that needle hooked in your arm...sends small doses to keep you asleep. They'll be back to re-up the dose" She nudged her chin to the camera in the room and Sabrina looked away from it.

"Why do they want me asleep so bad?"

Both their breaths hitched as they heard an intruding voice. "Well before I just didn't want to hear your screams and yells of protest but now, I need you for something. Don't want you freaking out"

Her eyes found the source and her blood ran cold.


To only be Draven's half-brother, he looked much like him though she assumed it was because they both partook their father's genes over their mother's. A handsome man, but a monster.

He walked over and she tried scooting away though the cuffs held her in place as he raised a syringe into the plastic tube, sticking the needle inside. " No" She whimpered as he pushed the substance inside.

She pulled, tugged on the cuffs, harshly bruising her skin but he gripped her arm with a glare. "Don't hurt yourself. I can't have you dying before I get what I want from you. Sleep tight Sabrina." He ran his knuckles against her cheek as she began to whimper feeling the drowsiness push her further to close her eyes.

The last thing she saw was his genuine frown.


He turned his gaze onto Julia. "Have you figured out what you wanted?" He questioned.

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