Chapter 32

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They both heard a manly grunt. "Fuck!" He yelled and her eyes widened in shock. "Draven?"

She heard shuffling and a groan and Jr ran out of the closet before she could protest, and he threw the door open. "Draven!" He yelled.

"Don't panic it's just a graze" He huffed as he stood up, holding onto his arm and his eyes never found hers.

Draven sat on the toilet with a huff as Jr helped clean and patch the grazed arm. He didn't want Sabrina to touch him. Even when he saw the sadness, the neglected her eyes, he still insisted junior did it. He claimed it was for practice but truthfully, he didn't think he would hold strong if her hands laid against his skin.

If he got even a taste of what it used to feel like to have her against him. The emotions were too strong.

"All done!" Jr smiled and Draven nodded only to grunt out as Jr punched him in the same arm. His teeth gritted as he stared at Jr in betrayal but anger.
"That's for leaving me. What's wrong with you? A letter and a bag of money? What, you weren't man enough to look me in the eye and leave huh?"

"No" He snapped in anger, but Jr didn't expect him to confess. "I wasn't then and I'm not now" He sighed, and Jr's eyes watered before Draven pulled him into his embrace ignoring the sharp pain to his arm. "Why did you come if you weren't staying?" He sniffled.

"I know you're mad at me and I'm sorry I left but could you blame me for trying to rebuild who I am? Become Draven without you and Sabrina? To find myself?" He huffed as Jr laid his head on his shoulder.

"You think I don't miss you too? You're not a child Junior and I know you understand why I had to leave. Why I'm not staying"

Junior nodded because he did understand, but the selfish part of him didn't care if Draven was hurt or in pain, he just wanted him there. "I will see you before you go to sleep, okay?" He kissed Junior's forehead and he nodded, leaving him and Sabrina alone.

When Sabrina saw him, she began to raise but he held his hand up, stopping her. She sat on her knees, and he sat inches away from her on the bed. He took a deep breath as he put his hands in his pockets.
"Why are you here?" She whispered.

"Because Sabrina you screamed for me. Shouldn't you have pills or medicine to prevent these things? Did you run out?"

" No. I just didn't need them" Her eyes lowered, and he fought not to show his agitation. Clearly, she did.

" How so Sabrina?"
" Because I was sleeping with you. What better way to chase my nightmares than to sleep next to the man who killed them?" She shrugged causing him to huff and stand.

" Well, I'm not going to be here so take them. Understand?" He demanded, his harsh tone causing her to flinch which he noticed but didn't apologize for it. "You're so hell-bent on leaving, aren't you?"

He shook his head as he held up a finger of protest. "Don't start with me" She jumped off the bed in anger.

"Listen to yourself. You don't even want to be here. You talk, but you don't look at me. It's all forced."
"What do you want from me?" His voice rose as his eyes connected with hers and his chest ached as he felt his heart drop. His eyes fell and he felt relief like no other.

"Nothing. I didn't ask you to come"

He chuckled, that was the best thing she said since he entered the house. "Well then I won't come next time"

"Fine. Go!"
"Fine" He snapped, snatching his jacket off the bed and stomping away, slamming her door. He made it a few inches before he heard her cry.

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