Chapter 12

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Throwing the controller on the couch, Jr sprung up as he saw Sabrina with Draven's arm around her shoulder, limping, a vulnerable state. Blood covered his clothes, his face, most importantly it soaked his white shirt.

"Jr get the aid kit!" She yelled and he ran into the bathroom just as she discarded Draven on the bed her eyes slimming over, her hands trembling uncontrollably as she began panicking.

"How do I get it out?" Hoarsely she questioned as Draven's quick breaths filled the room.

A movement caught her eye and she realized he was going to pull it out. "Wait Draven-" She screamed as with one hard tug and it left his body, only causing more problems had he begun to bleed impossibility quicker. Instantly, she took off her shirt, pressing it against him quickly.

"Draven you need a hospital" She whispered, the words almost a slur being quickly rushed from her mouth. He shook his head, laying his bloody hands on top of hers.

" Dangerous" His hand twitched, and she yelled at him to stay awake, but his eyes began closing and he breathed out before his lids completely shut.

He fell into a dream.

Sounds of sprayed water continuously hitting the floor caught his attention. Showers, just as before surrounded by white brick walls.

A pleasant giggle caught his ears, and his eyes lowered, his breath lodging in his throat as he registered Sabrina's blue eyes then lower her naked body.

Her skin had been slightly pale, her eyes surrounded by bags of not exhaustion but constant fear and worry. Still, her eyes had been bright regardless of the bags, she smiled at him. He was the source of her happiness it seems. He frowned, small bruises and dark spots covered her, they were faint, not noticeable but he saw them.

Then did he realize she had been very younger. So young, her body smaller. Her breast, the size of a 14-year-old's. Still, she had been the most beautiful woman he ever laid eyes on.

A hand shot out, punching Draven's chest, and his gaze redirected to a brown, golden-skinned woman. Her body was everything Sabrina's weren't. Much fuller, thicker, developed. Also, she looked young.

His eyes raked off her to trail onto Sabrina's who walked into a shower cubby, and he followed irresistibly, staring at her naked features. A second, she was peacefully showering and the next, her back was against the wall, wide eyes staring up at him. She always had to tilt her head back to fully look into his eyes as he had towered her.

Suddenly possession growled through his chest as his fingers wrapped around her neck, his thumb against her pulse gently rubbing up and down.
"I told you the second we're out of here, I'm taking you three with me and me and you...Are going to have some alone time" He whispered, his eyes glazing over with complete wicked lust and genuine passion.

He would show her both.

His lips brushed hers briefly.

His eyebrows furrowed. the kiss felt too real, and he forced his eyelids open no matter how much it pained him to. He groaned as his vision began to clear, his mind fuzzy.

Then he stared into the sparkling sapphire eyes he's grown to love more and more every day. Mainly because they complemented her blonde hair and because he felt tranced every time, he stared in them. He liked being in a trance, nothing else matters but her.

He wishes life were that simple. Nothing to worry about only the woman in his face, but then again even he knew the magical wish wouldn't entertain him for long. He would miss the thrill of fighting, killing, seeing, and being the cause of people's bloodshed.

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