Chapter 25

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Finishing loading another rifle, Draven set it inside the bag along with his other weapons. Sabrina compellingly watched him throw projectiles into the bag left and right and she rubbed her shoulders, uneasy.

Hearing her shaky breath, Draven halted, raising his eyes to not connect with hers, but her body movements. Her eyes had been lowered inside of the duffle bag, her hand constantly and unconsciously rubbing her arm. He knew she was worried, overthinking, and in conflict of begging him to stay yet letting him leave knowing he had to do this.

Zipping up the bag, she breathed out, and only until he sat beside her, kissing her temple, did she redirect her focus.

He pulled her into his lap, her arms wrapping around his neck as he massaged circles into the small of her back, consoling her. Sabrina hated that he needed so much. Hated that he was going alone, but disliked that he was putting himself in danger... Again.
"W-why so much?" She whispered.

"I may have a meeting with one man Angel, but I know many more will show" She nodded with a sigh, one not of judgment, but longing. She would miss and worry as long as he was gone, not in her presence anymore.

He gripped the pistol in his back pocket, sliding the magazine out with a click of a button. "I want to show you something" He whispered with a blow of a breath, and she nodded with a smile.

He led her out back of the hotel, observing, clearing, and confirming they were alone, but close enough to look inside the window. He refocused himself to a standing position, both hands on the gun. "You're not going to have time to position yourself when you shoot" He began, and her eyes widened realizing he wanted to train her.

"Draven-" She began to protest until he interrupted.

"Your blood will rush; your heart will race very quickly, and it will feel like you can't catch a breath. The first thing you will tell yourself is you don't want to kill them, you will hesitate" He shook his head. "You can't afford to"

His eyes hardened as he slammed the magazine back in, pulling the barrel and she heard the cocking indicating the gun had been ready to use. "Always keep it loaded. There are 15 rounds, one in the chamber, understand?"

She nodded. "You will pull the trigger. Tell me you won't hesitate" When her eyes drifted to his they fell back hastily towards his finger on the trigger and she shook her head, taking steps back as if she were going to be shot.

"I-I can't" She rubbed her arm, indicating how nervous she began to feel. Draven didn't coddle her this time and he settled behind her, snatching her hands to grip the gun even when she pushed back in protest, attempting to drop the gun but he held his hands over her fingers. "Pull the trigger" He commanded; his tone dropped gravely.

When she didn't respond, he pulled hard and the shot rang through her ears causing her to scream, jump and quiver. He kept her hands firm on the gun even as she breathed heavily in fear. "I'm scared! And... I'm overwhelmed Draven" She cried out in protest, and he kissed her shoulder softly.

"I know" He whispered calming her body, her quivering breaths. "I know and I'm sorry Angel. But if I'm not here, I cannot protect you"

The stubborn, frightened part of her wanted to scream well don't leave us then! But the other part wanted to help him in any way possible and if it meant having to protect herself for a few hours, then she would. All the hell he went through for her in the facility and when he came back, she owed him this. This sliver of courage.

With determination, she nodded, and his hands settled on her waist as she rose the gun on her own, her arms and hands slightly quivering but she was commanding them to still. Finally, she stared ahead, and -nope, she didn't pull it. Instead, Draven snatched it from her grasp causing her to spin in confusion only did she shriek, her hands instinctively raising in surrender as the barrel stood before her eyes-between her eyes.

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