Chapter 31

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A hard pound on Draven's window caused him to jolt awake, palming a blade, prepared to defend himself but when his eyes cleared, wincing by the sunlight and observing his surroundings, he realized he was still sitting in his car, a few houses down Julia's house.

Then his gaze fled to his rolled-up window, seeing a man in a police uniform.

Cops, they disgusted him, but this was no cop, he instantly knew that.

Breathing out, he rolled down his window, the cop smiling. "Are you alright there? Didn't mean to scare ya" His country accent bothered Draven, it was so strong, so... disrupting but Draven nodded anyway.

"Well, I didn't mean to scare ya but you can't sleep on someone's property. Neighbor complaints" He chuckled eliciting one from Draven as well as he nodded again. Shifting, Draven groaned as he lifted, cracking his neck and the cop got a glance of the blood on his seat, his eyes finding more, a gun.

He reached for his own. "Sir, would you step out of the car?" Draven's eyes lowered to his gun and groaned before the cop stuck his arm through the window and unlocked the door. For a split second, Drave thought to smash his arm, severe it with the window, and drive off but he didn't. Instead, he obliged, holding his hands up as he turned around.

The cop raised Draven's shirt slightly up to his abs and saw the wound, dried up blood covering it. "Want to tell me what happened?"

"No, and I'm registered to own a weapon" He explained, and the cop gestured for him to get it. He did, the cop staring at it. "Well, my apologies. A break-in happened a few houses down and your particular predicament raises questions. I hope you can understand"

Draven smirked, taking his license back. "Understood. I parked here because I was intoxicated, didn't want to get a DWI" He shrugged, and the cop took a step back though his glance never left Draven's car. "Well, you can be on your way and I'm on mine"

Draven gave a simple salute as the cop sauntered away. Draven reached for his gun, seeing as the cop did the same and he turned around swiftly, both simultaneously pointing a weapon at one another. Draven chuckled. "Your cop skills are abysmal" He insulted with a smirk, but the fraud didn't seem offended instead he grinned.

" It's not exactly easy to pretend to be the good guy when you know... " He chuckled.

Pretend? Draven thought. A real cop wouldn't have let him off so easily. With probable cause, he could've arrested Draven. After all, a man parked houses down from a crime scene, bloody and with a loaded weapon? Too many red flags. "Where is the child Draven?"

"I don't know. I could ask you the same thing" He chuckled. "Don't bullshit me" His teeth gritted, and Draven's eyes narrowed on the man's hold on his weapon.

Only did he realize, he couldn't kill him. He lowered his weapon, stepping into the man's space, the barrel against his chest but he didn't pull the trigger. "This is what you're going to do. Get the fuck out of here before I kill you" He grinned as the fraud's grip tightened before he cursed and turned, getting into his car.

Watching him drive away, Draven now felt annoyed. Why did he let him go? He didn't know. Whatever.

He walked straight into the house, ignoring the yellow tape and broken glasses throughout, and walked upstairs into her room. There were two problems. One, what did the tablet look like? Two, where in the hell would she hide it?

He huffed as he began his search in the obvious place's women hid things. Under their beds, their mattress, in pillowcases, or their drawers. Searching mirror cabinets, her shoe boxes and he still didn't find it. Then again, Julia wasn't exactly a regular woman.

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