Chp 22 - Black Out

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So a new chapter is out :)

Hope you enjoy :)

That night Ascian told me about his accusations - which didn't have any type of proof - made me leave the whole festival and go straight back home

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That night Ascian told me about his accusations - which didn't have any type of proof - made me leave the whole festival and go straight back home.

I went all the way back to the guest stables, where Saskia was waiting. The stable boy put her equipment quickly on and led Saskia to me. We left quickly towards home, but I did remember to announce my disappearance to the Queen and Kace. Though it all was and still is a blur to me.

Saskia kept a steady canter the whole way back home, though I did let her take breaks from time to time. Since it gets a little chilly at night, she wasn't as sweaty as she would be at day time.

We finally got back to Asteria and I took off her equipment, not forgetting to give her a small treat and lots of food to munch on through the night and morning.

I headed straight to my room, even if my stomach growled for a small midnight snack. Since I was still hurt from the accusations, I didn't bother to look at the time. 

When I was finally in my room, I took off the little make up I had and carefully placed my earrings and necklace away. I undressed the rose gold dress from my body, feeling it suffocating me. Since I'm so accustomed to my room and know where my furniture is, I didn't bother to light up a candle to see better.

Too lazy to think about night clothes, I just climbed into bed with my underwear. It wasn't too cold in my room and my blanket was warm enough to keep me comfortable. Though outside of the bed I could feel the small cold breeze which the approaching autumn and winter would bring.

I let out a big sigh and closed my eyes.

If only falling asleep would be that easy. My thoughts drifted to the day I had spent.

Many mixed feelings rumble through my mind, but most of all... disappointment. About what, wasn't completely clear to me. But one thing I know; the happy feelings from the day and late evening walk before the fight, were towered with gloomy and frustrated feelings.

I just didn't know how or where to put them to make any sense.

I trashed around in my bed for a while, getting annoyed by every minute when I couldn't fall asleep and my mind ran through a series of situations and thoughts.

After a long time, be it hours or minutes, my mind let me finally rest, and I took the sleep greedily into my arms.

After a long time, be it hours or minutes, my mind let me finally rest, and I took the sleep greedily into my arms

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