Chp 30 - Long Live the King And Queen

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Hmmm, an unknown person's POV.

Enjoy ;)

I arrived at the office

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I arrived at the office.

King and Queen Verena's office.

I jog to the desk, where papers lie everywhere.

Going through everything, frantically searching for one thing, and one thing only. Yet not knowing where exactly it is located.

Though I quickly notice it isn't on the desk.

My hands and body switch their place to go through the small drawers that are on the side of the desk.

But nothing is to be found.

I look around the dark room, thinking of hiding places.

Where can it be...

Something in my head tells me to look behind the hung up painting on the wall.

Which is exactly where I go and look.

I push the painting away from the wall so I can reach my hand behind.

Tapping around and behind the painting, feeling for anything.

The quiet throb of my palm is the only thing I feel, but not what I hear.

What I hear is not the blood rushing into my hand. But a slight sound of something crumbling softly.

Something white and floating falls from behind the painting.

A paper.


I picked it up, seeing the royal mark on the left top corner, which many of the previous papers on the desk also had.

I skim through it, looking at the signatures.

Three signatures.

All of them are agreements for the contract's topic.

Three signatures, three people.

King and Queen.

And the Valda.

But no signature from the Prince.

I look higher again, reading through the contract.

Then, I found the text.

The explanation for the contract and its meaning; what it holds and what the signatures will promise in the future.

The part that would change everything. If revealed.

The changes would be drastic. Shocking.


For me.

For everyone else.

And possibly for the future.

A dark voice in my head gets filled with fury.


They are betraying their people. Their kingdom.

This changes everything.

My plan... It just has to happen earlier than expected. It'll work.

It'll overlap this betrayal.

Overlap their betraying plan...

My hand crumbles the paper, eyes furiously looking around the room until I hear footsteps outside in the hall.

I hide the paper back behind the painting and get to the window.

The mask on top of my face and hood on my head hides me from anyone recognizing me, but I would rather not get caught.

I am not in the mood to spill blood here.

Only one week to the winter ball - perfect time to go through with my plan.

Just when the door to the office opens,I leap out of the window into the darkness of the night.

You will get what is coming for you.


Just you wait,

Long live the King and Queen,

Or not.

What did y'all think about the chapter?

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What did y'all think about the chapter?

Any suspicions on who it might be? It could be someone we know or a stranger. That'll be revealed at some point :)

See you in the next chapter hehe


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