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{Flashback 20 years back}
(Author's Pov)

It was around 2 p.m. in summers.Sunlight was covering the whole area. Little Toddlers were playing in the park. When suddenly there eyes followed in the direction where two girls were fighting."No! I will not give you my ribbon! My momma gave me this", a cute little girl was crying as she was hiding a red flower ribbon in her tiny hands. "No I will take it", the other girl maybe 2-3 year older than her,snatched it and started running out of the park. That cute little girl started following her with her tiny steps.and THUMP!!! She wasn't fast enough to catch her so she felled and started crying. She was crying her eyes out sitting on the footpath.

(Yoongi's pov)

I was buzy taking slides in the park when my eyes started founding my sister y/n. I was scared when I couldn't find her. Mom specially warned me to take care of her but she couldn't be find anywhere. I was scared as hell when I ran to my house to tell mom she lost.

(Jungkook's Pov)

"Yeah amma, I am a big boy now. I can take care of myself", 4 years old jungkook said biding goodbye to her mom. Jungkook's family just shifted to seoul from busan last month so he doesn't have any friends here. He just love spending time on his own taking slides in a park so he was on his way to that. " Okok kookiee but take care! Do not take anything from stranger ok? ", Mrs. Jeon said to him smiling. " Ok amma bye", little jungkook said running to a nearby park. Suddenly his eyes met a cute girl who was crying sitting on a footpath.

(Little y/n👇)

(Little jungkook👇)

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(Little jungkook👇)

Little kookie felt bad when she saw that girl crying🥺 so he just went to her

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Little kookie felt bad when she saw that girl crying🥺 so he just went to her. Jungkook didn't know how to comfort her so he just tried to give her a lollipop from his pocket.

(Y/n's Pov)

I was crying when I saw a little boy coming to me. He thought for a while and handed me a lollipop. I was about to take it but then it reminded me yoongi oppa's words. "Y/niee don't take anything from strangers okay! They are bad people".so I just took my hands back and started crying again. He looked at me with a confused reaction and asked, " Don't you like lollipop? I will give you a chocolate then" As he took out a chocolate from his pocket. "No!! Oppa said you are bad", you said in your baby voice. " No no! I am your friend now! You can call me kookiee", he said showing his cute bunny smile."friend..?" You thought for a while and lastly accepted his chocolate."Why are you crying here?" He asked. "One bad unnie took my ribbon and ran away and now I am lost. I don't know where is my oppa", you said and started crying again. " Okay okay don't cry, I will take you to my home. My amma will give you 10 chocolates like this ", he said smiling and taking your tiny hand in his. [How cutee! 🥺] So you just gave up and went to his home with Him still crying.

He took me to his home and said, "Amma amma!!! Look she is my new friend", he said cheerfully to his mom. Jungkook's mom just showed a confused look. " Hey little girl! How are you? ", mrs jeon said. I just felt scared so i tried to hid behind jungkook. " Hey dont be scared! She's my amma! She will give you 10 chocolates! " Jungkook cutely said to me. "Yes little girl! But where is your amma appa?", she asked me and I started crying again. " I am lost! I don't know my home", you said hicupping due to crying. "Ahh okok! Don't cry! I will find your amma okay! Wait have these chocolates first", she said handling me a bowl of chocolates. As I tried to took 3-3 in my tiny hands but it was just slipping. Mrs jeon just awed at me smiling. "Amma let me show her my new toy car, wait I will bring that", he said to his mom and ran away. While he was gone, my eyes met with a frame which have my mom's picture in it. I ran to it and started pointing my tiny fingers over it saying, " Mom mom, aunty my mom!", you said jumping as Mrs jeon showed a confuses face. "Is this your mom, little girl? " She asked. "Yes yes my mom", I said being excited. " Wait what is your name baby?, she asked me again. "Y/niee", she said smiling. " Ohh my darling daughter! How are you?? Wait let me call your amma now?, she said grabbing her phone as I started eating the chocolates she gave me.

Soon jungkook came to me running showing his new toy car as we played for while. After few minutes I saw mom and oppa entering the house. "Mom oppaaa", I said running to them as my mom took me in her arms. " Oh my y/niee! You know how afraid I was? " She said crying while kissing my cheeks. She placed me down carefully and I hugged yoongi oppa too. "I will not leave you y/niee! I am sorry" 😿 he said crying as you said "no crying oppa! " And kissed his cheek. After this your mom went and hugged Mrs jeon tightly. "Thank you mina !thank you so much!! I can't even think how will I survived if I didn't found her", she said crying to Mrs jeon as she patted her back assuring everything is fine now.Jungkook was so confused and asked, " Amma she's going now?" "Yeah kookie, but she will come soon don't worry! ", she assured jungkook as he showed his bunny smile. " Mom you know kookiee saved me like that prince! One you told me that day in fairy tale", you said cheerfully to your mom as she saw a cute little boy standing there. She went to jungkook bending to his height hugging him, "thank you kookiee baby for saving her". " It's okay aunty! She's my friend ", he said in his baby voice as everyone chuckled. " Mom mom! I want to marry him! ", you said going to your mom. She chuckled and lifted you up in her arms saying, " No y/niee you're too small for that. Once you will all grown up I will marry you to him! ", she said smiling as Mrs jeon smiled too at this statement. "Promise?",you asked. "Yeah promise", she said. " Yayyy I will marry you kookiee" You said hugging little jungkook as he said "okayyyy" While giving you his cute bunny smile.

{Flashback ends}


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