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{Timeskip; in the morning}

Never in your lives, You both had such a great sleep. The whole night you slept so peacefully cuddling up with jungkook. And for your surprise, it wasn't awkward at all. In fact, you were loving the fact that now you have someone who actually cares for you like this. On the other hand, jungkook slept whole night as you were the most precious thing in the world for him. IT IS TRUE TO BE HONEST! the sun already rose, still he was back hugging you. The sunrays fell on his face which disturbed him in his sleep. He opened his eyes slowly and a smile crept on his face seeing you in his arms still. Gently, he picked up his arms, trying not to disturb your sleep. Its his new morning routine to admire you sleeping. He gently remove the strands of your hair from the face to take a clear view of you. Unknowingly so many emotions were arising in his heart, ADORE, CARE, BLUSHING, POSSESSIVENESS, ADMIRE AND MOST IMPORTANT.......... LOVE!! ✨ He knows that he have fallen in love with you. Out of sudden, he closed his eyes and kissed your temple saying, "what you have done to me y/n-ah!", he said smiling. He took a last look at you before going to the washroom to take shower.

After few minutes, he came out and saw you still sleeping. Suddenly a thought came in his mind, so he quickly grabbed his phone and scrolled a bit. After that, He again entered the washroom smiling. In the mean time you woke up and looked for jungkook, And he came from the washroom drying his hairs anddd ONLY IN HIS SWEAT PANTS?????????. His pale skin, well built, muscles, pumped up chest and.....8 packs abs??? A sudden blush crept on your face as you were staring at him for so long. "A nice morning view right?", he asked you smirking as you looked away with your shaking eyes. He just chuckled at your reaction and said, " Good morning", smiling. "G-good mor-ning!", you said still avoiding his eye contact. "Andd! I prepared a hot water bath for you! You can go!", he said smiling as you looked at him in disbelief. "What- tha- nk yo-you", you said blushing. " Y/n? Your face is so red? What happened? Wait- are you perhaps blushing?", he said smirking as you woke up from the bed in a millisecond. "N-no! Am Going!", you said grabbing your towel and shutting the bathroom door directly.
(Your outfit 👇)

{Timeskip; in the living room}

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{Timeskip; in the living room}

After shower, jungkook and you both came in the living where jin was making food in the kitchen, while jimin and Taehyung was playing games on the TV! "Ahh y/n-ahh!! You came? Can you please put this kimchi container in the fridge. "Yeah oppa! Wait-", you were about to carry that big kimchi container by yourself when jungkook ran and carry that container himself and put it in the fridge. You furrowed your eye brows and gave him a confused look. Jin was also confused at jungkook's sudden behavior. Jungkook sensed your expressions saying, "what? You can't carry that heavy container buly yourself!", he said which made you smile a little and jin smirk. "Yeah exactly! Make her sit jungkook!", he said smiling cheekily as jungkook looked at you while grabbing your hand and make toi sit on the dining table. "Jungkook what are you doing?", you said smiling as he replied, "what- you should sit! I will be assisting jin hyung in the kitchen!", he said and move to the kitchen wearing the apron. You just chuckle seeing him all caring towards you. You are loving this new side of jungkook. Never in your life you thought of falling for none other than your enemy. At this moment ,you only wanna go and hug him tightly. But anyways.. 💁🏻

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