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(y/n's pov)

I was sleeping peacefully and was drifted to a beautiful dream. The environment was so soothing until I heard the laughter from my sides. "Huh?", I thought half slept. "Wait.... We were watching movie", you thought and suddenly opened your eyes.

(Jungkook's pov)

We all were watching movie. Idk why but my heart was beating at a very fast pace. Idk why but I was loving the fact that y/n was sleeping peacefully on my shoulder not on taehyungie hyung's shoulder. I was disturbed in my thoughts when I felt y/n's little movements. I turned my eyes towards her just to see her eyes shoot open. It was the first time I was seeing her this close. Our face was just inches apart. the moment was... BREATHTAKING. I felt my heart thumping out of my chest. We both were staring at each other for more than a minute. None of us was able to take our eyes to another direction. She was silently staring at me and vice versa. We both were fully drown in each other's eyes when we heard namjoon hyung coughing. "Ahm ahmm", namjoon faked. "SHIT!!!",we both said at the same moment and detached ourself from each other. And again!! Y/n's clumsy ass fell on the ground from the sofa with loud THUD!!!! "Ouchhh my backk", she cried. "Ohh y/nieee!! Are you ok?", jimin said helping her to get up. "Ahh it hurts", she whined getting up and sitting on the sofa. Idk but i was embarrassed as hell. My eyes we're shaking and face was all red. Somewhere I felt bad when she fell and a part in me wants to help her but..... i wAs sHy tO PiCk uP mY WiFe, wHeN sHe feLL!! "Yahhh! At least you should help her!!", jin hyung shouted at me. I just remained silent. "Yah! What's with you? ", now yoongi hyung said. And as usual, I remained silent. "Y/nie you okay?? Does it hurt??", taehyungie hyung asked her holding her hand. "Ahh my back!! This monkey!!! THIS IS ONLY SECOND DAY TO OUR MARRIAGE AND YOU MADE MY BACK HURT TWICE!!!! I WASN'T EVEN OVERCOMED FROM LAST NIGHT'S BACKACHE AND NO---- ", y/n shouted at me but stopped after realizing what she was about to say. "Huh???", hobi hyung said. "Twice??",yoongi hyung said confused. Jimin hyung , taehyungie hyung and rm hyung just smirked at us both. "Backache?? ", taehyungie hyung said smirking. "Last night???",now rm hyung said smirking. "Uhmm jungkookah! I told you to be gentle! What did you do to her haan?", jiminie hyung said smirking. "I am already embarrassed af and now them! Aishhhhh", I thought in my mind I was about to reply to them when y/n said, " Aishhh oppa! It's not what you think!!!! FIRSTLY THIS MONKEY LIFTED ME UP BUT THEN THREW--", she again stopped seeing everyone smirking and laughing at her statement."here she goes again🙄",I.thought. "Aishh continue continue!!", hobi said laughing. Now she was red as tomato. "So he lifted you up and then threw you! Jungkook! I didn't know you would be this BEAST on your first time", jimin hyung said as everyone laughed. "Aishh you punks stop it!!", it's their personal lives!! Just let them be!!", yoongi said laughing and making them all stop. "It's not like what you guys are thinking!!! It was accide--", I said but cutted off by jin hyung. "Aahh okok! We got it!! You're husband and wife now!! No need to explain! Now go and take rest at your home!!!", he said pushing us both to the front door. "Aishh listen first!", I said. "Noo need!! Go go! But dont be too harsh to her now!! She's fragile! And her back hurts too!", jimin said smirking as everyone burst into laughter."Ahhh how badly I wanna punch him", I thought in my mind taking exit. "Umm bye all", y/n said running behind me to the exit.

{Timeskip;back to the home}
(Author's pov)

Y/n was currently taking shower in the bathroom and Jungkook was lying on the bed scrolling through his phone. A part in him was feeling so bad as the way you were crying due to pain after falling was coming in his mind simultaneously. Somehow he was feeling bad, because whether it was unintentionally, but HE HURTED YOU. He thought for a while and rushed to the living area where his mom kept a first aid kit in case it is needed. She made a small packets with slips on it , like a meds for headache, meds of stomachache etc. So after searching,i took the one with 'for body or muscle ache' slip and went back to the room.

Y/n was now out from the shower and doing her night routine I guess. She was applying some cream on her face sitting on the chair in dressing room. He came revealing the bedroom door open and nervously marches towards her. Without saying anything, he handed her the medicine pack. Y/n showed a confused look. "What?", she asked. "Umm! Earlier when you fell.. Umm... Your back was aching...... So... This is the medicine for that!.... You can take it...", he said avoiding her eye contact, stuttering. On the other hand, y/n was confused by this sudden change in his behavior. "Umm thanks I guess", she said and politely took the medicines from him. Jungkook just turned around fastly and ran to the bed before grabbing the blankets all over him. Unknowingly a small smile crept on y/n's behavior. She took the medicines and went to the bed. Obviously you both don't share the same blanket so you took the one of yours and driftes to dreamland.

{Timeskip to the morning}

The slight sunlight came directly on jungkook's face. His sudden sunkissed face was looking just ethereal. This disturbs his peaceful sleep. Rubbing his eyes like a little baby, we shoot his eyes open slowly just to witness your beautiful yet messy morning face. You were sleeping so peacefully with your mouth slight open. He stared at you sleeping and unknowingly a sudden smile crept on his face. The way you were sleeping hugging a pillow, the way your mouth was slight open, the way your hairs were covering your forehead. "Cute", he thought. His hand was about to go to remove the strands of your hairs when scenes from yesterday struck in his mind. "Jiniee oppa! You made the best food in the world" "Ummm jiniee oppa this is delicious". The way you kept on praising jin's food last night and savouring all the flavours, the happiness on your face last night, jungkook's mind was suddenly filled with that. "Huh! It not like idk how to cook! I can make the best food too! Just wait and watch you idiot", he whispered to your sleeping ass before going to the kitchen.

(Y/n's Pov)

I woke after a very nice sleep. I rubbed my eyes and drifted my eyes to jungkook's eyes just to see it.....empty? "Where did this monkey gone early in the morning?", I thought as I furrowed my eyebrows." He must be in the bathroom",I thought"Aishh whatever! It's not like I want to see his handsome face early in the morning", I thought while covering my face with a blanket. Suddenly I heard some noices from downstairs. "Huh? Wait- is there any thief? Where is jungkook?", you thought being scared and rushed to downstairs finding him. Just in case you took a huge vase from the table. You took slow steps to the place where the sound was coming. The kitchen-....... You reached the kitchen only to witness someone cooking. "Wait-- jungkook?????", you said widening your eyebrows.

(The seen you witnessed👇)


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