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(Author's Pov)

And there comes JEON JUNGKOOK! Only Son of Seoul's biggest businessman, Mr.Jeon jonghyun who was currently the CEO of "Jeon enterprises".He was a whole baddie but with kind heart. He was only kind in front of his family and his friends! No Doubt he was the most popular boy of the university in looks and academics both! Yes, he and y/n were always the competitors when it comes to academics. This was one of the reasons why They both didn't get along always. They were the real "ENEMIES" of the university. Being rich and toppers of the university, they both were shipped by many seniors and juniors too! But do they care? Hell nah!🙄.Exactly like we see in movies and dramas, the moment he came with his leather jacket on! Girls everywhere were fighting to get his single Look!

(His look👇)

he entered with a slight smirk on his face, knowing his effect on each and every girl there

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he entered with a slight smirk on his face, knowing his effect on each and every girl there. He came directly to the locker room to put his stuff but stopped seeing someone, as his smirk grew wider!

(Y/n's POV)

There he comes towards me. I tried to ignore him and started to move to my class with Anna but someone blocked ny way. Obviously the Jeon jungkook!🥱 "missed me?", he said as his smirk was visible to me. Ohh how badly I wanna punch on this handsome face of his. Oh wait did I just said hAnDsOMe?? 😬No he's a monkey! "You?? Never ever! I have better things to do in my life", I said eyeing him as he chuckled. Coming close to my face, matching my height he said in a mocking way, " Really?? Seems you missed me alot?? That is why you were waiting for me in locker room early in the morning right? Aish this monkey! 😤 being little sister of a savage cat, you replied, "As if! It's not my mistake if you think so highly of yourself! Am not the type to stand like a cheerleader and simp over a monkey who just needs attention from everyone once he enters the college." Soon his smirk changee to an irritated expression and Now it was your turn to smirk at him😏. Ignoring him, you walked towards your class with Anna who was chuckling at you both. She was too lowkey a shipper of you both, that annoyed you sometimes, but you just ignored!

{Timeskip to lunch time}
(Author's pov)

After almost 4 lectures, it was your lunch break! Attending your classes after almost 2 weeks break was such a pain in ass! You were already tired af but you have to attend two more lectures as it was the last year of your college life🤧.You were currently sitting in cafeteria with anna eating your lunch but soon your eyes landed on jungkook. He was sitting with kai and soobin talking about some random stuff. Kai was a baddie like jungkook as soobin was the sweetheart of the college. Soon your eyes met and you quickly broke the eye contact. Few minutes passed and you were about to move out of the cafeteria. At the same time jungkook was also going towards exit sipping his banana milk along with using his phone from the other hand and BUMPP!!! jungkook's banana milk spilled all over your clothes! At this point of time you were fuming with anger! Your face reddened due to anger and embarrassment as everyone their were laughing at you. On the other hand jungkook lowkey got scared seeing you all angry and a bit of Guiltyness arised in his heart when he saw your clothes all dirty. But keeping his bad boy attitude and male ego forward, he just started to walk past you.

(Y/n's Pov)

This idiot!! Firstly he spilled his banana milk all over me and now he's moving without helping me? Wtf is this dude?? He was about to go when I hold his collar and stopped him. "Dude what the hell is wrong with you?? Can't you see what you have done? It spoiled my clothes!! Atleast offer for help? He just avoided your eye contact! And moved away. Suddenly you felt two arms around you giving you a coat, which made jungkook stopped in his way too! You turned around and see Soobin giving you his blazer! "Sorry y/n, I know it was his fault", he said with an apologetic smile! Cute! " Umm thank you soobin, means alot!" You said with a smile.

(Author's pov)

You and soobin were continuously staring at each other with a smile then suddenly jungkook turned around and shouted, "soobin!! Why are you helping her? She's my enemy and you're my friend!!", jungkook glared at soobin. " But it was your fault jungkook! You were buzy with your phone while walking. You should have seen her." Soobin said. Jungkook just exit the cafeteria annoyed. He just don't like the idea of soobin giving you his blazer. He just don't like the way you both were smiling to each other. You were dumbfounded there.



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