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(Jungkook's pov)

I woke up from a very good nap. Sunrays were falling on my bed when I opened my eyes slowly. I diverted my eyes to look for y/n beside me. Not to deny! after marriage, this was my first morning routine. But today! She's not there? "Huh?", I looked up to the bathroom door and saw it close. "She must be there!", I thought. I was about to wake up from the bed when j heard the ringing of the doorbell. I furrowed my eyes thinking, "who it must be early in the morning?". I thought for a while and then ran to open the doors. I walked down the stairs and ran to open the door. The moment I opened it, I frozed on my spot. "You????", I shouted and hugged her tightly.

(Y/n's pov)

I walked out of the bathroom drying my hairs. I looked up for jungkook in the bedroom but seems like he's ready awake. I shrugged of the thought and went to the dressing room for my morning routine when I heard some noises from downstairs. It was a female voice. You were confused. "Who's this?", you thought Furrowing your eyebrows as you stood up to walk to the bedroom door. "Ohh damn I missed you so much", you heard jungkook saying. "Aishh you bunny! I missed you tooo my baby", you heard the female saying. You froze on your spot when you heard them talking and giggling from downstairs. You were dumbfounded. You don't know how to react to the situation where your so called 'husband' must be talking to a female who's calling him 'baby'. A rush or anger arose in you. Your heart started to beat faster and you felt like a sting of pain in it. You don't know why you were feeling like that but it was just.....painful. Soon you gathered some courage and opened the bedroom door sighing and went down stairs.

You were on the stairs when your feet froze on the step. The scene you just witnesses in front you was enough to shatter your world. Jungkook was hugging a female. You were facing his back so it was unable for you to see that female's face. Being a buff, jungkook hid the female in his arms and all you can hear was them both giggling into each other's embrace. Your heart felt heavy. Your knees were on the verge of falling. It was not like You fell for him, but seeing your husband hugging another woman that too in front you was just unexplainable. You took yourself together and shouted but Stuttered, "J-JUNG-KOOOK!!"

(Author's pov)

By your sudden voice jungkook subtly turned around being confused. "Ahh y/n you came! Come here!", he said smiling. "How can he just casually smile? What's happening? And who's she?", you thought and took slow steps to him. Jungkook side a lil bit and there you saw her. She wasn't young! Actually she was in her 50s may be. "Ahjuma! Meet her! She is my wife y/n!", he said introducing you to the lady as she smiled at you. Your heart did a 360° flip when you heard him saying 'my wife' for the first time. "And y/n this is ahjuma! You can say she's like my second eomma! She works in our house from the past 22 years and basically she raised me! And now she's gonna take incharge of this house too!!", he said smiling like a bunny. "Wait! WHAT THE FUCK WAS I THINKING? AISHHHH!! Y/N WTFF!", you mentally cursed yourself when you got the right senses. You bowed and greet the ahjuma. "Hello ahjuma! I am y/n! Nice to meet you", you said Smiling. She smiled at you and held your hands firmly. "You're so beautiful my daughter! My bunny made the right choice as always!", she said winking to him making you both blush at her statement. "Ahjumaa!! Okay tell me what you're gonna make for us today!? Am very much hungry??", jungkook whinned like a little baby in front of her as she chuckles. "Okay okay I'll make your favourite dish! And y/n you? Whats your favorite? I will make that too!", ahjuma asked her as she smiled politely at her replying, "ahjuma I can eat anything you'll make for us!" As ahjuma nodded smiling going to the kitchen. Now it was only you both in the living room. You cursed yourself millions of time in your mind right now because of your over thinking. Still you weren't able to answer 'WHY?' you reacted that way. Did you already fell for him?

You were buzy in your thoughts when you saw jungkook waving in front of your face for your attention. "Y/n? am calling from the past 2-3 minutes now? What are you thinking? And you seemed worried when you entered before? Everything alright?", he asked you with the genuine concern. "Ah! Yeah! Am okay! What is wrong? Nothing right?? Hah! Everything's good! ", you said with the nervous smile and shaking eyes. He looked at you confused but soon a smirk appeared on his face and he started coming close to you. You were flustered right now. "Ohh! Now I got it Why you were sounding so nervous before!", he said coming slowly towards you as you avoided his eye contact and started moving backwards. "Huh? What are you saying? I-I wasn't ner-nervous", you said stuttering as a smirk never left his face. "Aishh why the hell he makes me this flustered always", you groaned internally. "Tell me? You were again afraid to be alone right? You were again finding me right??", he asked bending matching your height. "Huh? No way!! Why would I?", you said with an irritated look on your face to which he just chuckles. "Aish just accept it y/n! You can't live without me", he said smirking while pinching your left cheeks as you winced dramatically due to sudden pain. "Aishh! Do you have a death wish?", you shouted running behind him as he started running all of sudden after teasing you. "Ahh y/n just accept the fact!", he said running as you were running behind him to catch him. "Wait here you monkey! I'll hit you now!", you were panting at this point of time. You both were running like the kindergarten children chasing each other. There was a chaos in the whole mansion. Suddenly your foot hit the leg of the wooden table with a loud thud as you winced "AAHHH!", you shouted as you were about to fall backwards which made jungkook halt in his step shouting "Y/NN!!!!!!!",he said holding your hand preventing you not to fall but ended up loosing his balance too.

Now both of you fell but thankfully there was a sofa behind you so you basically fell on that. You were under him and his body was pressing all above you. Your faces were just inches apart. A little movement! And your lips could have touched. His eyes never left yours and vice versa . You were so small under him. His one hand was under your head to prevent it from hitting the sofa's amr while the other one was resting on your waist. Whereas both of your hands were kn his masculine chest. You both were staring at each other's soul. You took this moment to appreciate the little features of his face. His doe eyes, his cute nose with a beautiful mole on it, his bunny smile, his sharp jawline! Uffffffff!!🤤. On the other hand, jungkook has the same situation too. He was staring at your bambi eyes, bread cheeks and at last your plump lips. His eyes diverted their gaze from your eyes to your lips. You were already quite nervous due to your awkward position and now when he is staring at your lips! You were dumbfounded now. Yet you don't want to end this moment. You decided to go with the flow. Slowly jungkook started leaning towards you with his eyes closed while your eyes closed automatically too.

Both of your lips were about to touch when you both heard someone saying, "oh shit!! I think we arrived at the wrong time!", mrs jeon said covering her eyes dramatically. "Yeah I guess so to", mrs min said too covering her smile as both you's eyes went wide.......


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