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(Y/n's Pov)

"Wait-...... He is THAT kookiee???", you said to yoongi being shocked as he nodded. "Yeah! But dont you remember? I think he still look like a baby!", he said chuckling which made you widen your eyes even more. "No way oppa!! This jungkook is such a JERK!! he has no respect for anyone", you shouted! "Then you don't know him well my y/niee! He's the most decent one among all of us! Yeah he likes to maintain a bad boy aura too, but that doesn't mean he's a jerk!", he said in debate. You thought about his words for a while but it was just impossible for you to believe that HE was the KOOKIEE that helped you! Soon you shrugged of these thoughts and asked, "but where's Mrs. Jeon now? As far as I know she doesn't live with him and his father in seoul", you asked with confusion all over your face. " Yeah you are right! She's in London nowdays. She have her personal company there too apart from Mr jeon's company here.", on which you made 'o' shaped mouth. "Is she in touch with mum?", you asked. "Not much! She's buzy with her stuff in London. But yeah they contact each other if possible", he said. "Okay! Now I think I should sleep oppa! I have to wake up early tomorrow too", you said walking upstairs. " Good night", he said.

{Timeskip early morning}
(Yoongi's Pov)

I really couldn't believe she didn't recognized him. Dumbo! Let me check if jungkook recognized her yet or if he is also a dummy like her🙄. He thought and decided to text jungkook.

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(Jungkook's Pov)

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(Jungkook's Pov)

That cute girl I met in childhood was.......... Y/N???? NO WAY!!! I mean she was soo cute and so innocent that time. And NOW.... She's a total psycho! Like which normal girl dress herself in a boyish look and play video games and SOO LAZY TO DO MAKEUP! like it's not like I girls who apply 'plaster of Paris' on their faces, but she didn't even apply a  normal makeup! This is rArE! And definitely she's not nOrMaL!!, he said to himself as a chuckle left his mouth. He always wanted to know how that cute girl was doing or where she is now? But now knowing that girl is you.A bit in him was so happy knowing IT'S YOU.He couldn't help but his heart was thumping out of his chest but the reason was uNkNoWn to him!

{Timeskip ; lunch break at college}
(Author's pov)

You were currently sitting at the table. As Anna was absent today coz she had a fever this morning, so you were all alone today as you have no freinds except for her. Suddenly you saw jungkook and saobin entering the cafeteria. You bought soobin's blazer with you to return so you just finished your lunch and started moving towards them.

You went there and touched his shoulder making him turned around,which caught jungkook's attention too! "hey soobin", you said with a sweet smile. Soobin was about to reply when jungkook cut him off "What are you doing here?", he asked. "How rude!"You thought. "I am here to thank you for helping me yesterday and also returning this blazer", you ignored jungkook and gestured to give soobin his blazer. "Ohh! But he didn't said he wanted it back! Just throw it away", he said with a sarcastic chuckle while soobin glared at him. You were irritated at this point. " Jungkook how many fingers are these?" You asked showing him your first three fingers. As he was confused for a while. "Lol you wanna play these children's games now", he said laughing as you made a pissed look. " Okok it's three", he said laughing. "That means YOU HAVE EYES and ALSO mouth to speak too OMGG!!!", you said with an amused face. As he just laughed and said, " What's so new in this?? Everyone has eyes, ears, nose and mouth". "EXACTLY!! SOO SOOBIN HAVE  ALSO A MOUTH and HE CAN SPEAK TOO!!!", you shouted as soobin bursted into a laugh.[Savage brother sister duo😼] jungkook was embarrassed at this point of time so he just glared at soobin who was laughing his heart out now. "SHUT UP YOU BOTH", he said shouting as he left the place. You both started laughing again watching him leave. You gave soobin his blazer and said thank you which he gladly accept!

{Timeskip to your home}
(Y/n's Pov)

I entered the house and saw mom and yoongi oppa eating snacks with tea! "Heyoo! Am home", you said cheerfully as they both smiled at you. "How was your day my sweetie? ", your mom asked as you replied " Good". You were about to go upstairs when your mom called you again. "Y/niee!!! Dress well tonight! Some guests are coming tonight for the dinner okay? Andd I bought a dress for you too! It's in you room okay! Wear that!", she said smiling cheekily. "Okayy again a business dinner", you thought. You nodded your head in agreement to her statement as she send you a flying kiss. And you pretend to eat that in a cute way.

(Jungkook's Pov)

I entered my house and saw a lady drinking tea watching TV. "MOMM IS THAT YOUUUU???, I shouted and went to her. Yess! It was Mrs. Jeon. " Mom I missed you so much", I said hugging her tightly as she chuckles. "Aww my baby missed  me that much", she said kissing my cheek." TOOO MUCHH",I said as she laughed at my cuteness. "Mom when did you came back? You didn't even told me? I should come to pick you from the airport na??, i said making a fake pout. "Ohh baby bunny! If I told you before then I would not be a surprise for you na. ",She said smiling. "Okay mom! So let's go for a dinner tonight! You me and dad!! After a long time", i said being all excited. " Nope nope not today! We already have plans tonight!", she said making me look confused at her. "What plans? You just came back from London today and you already have plans?", he pouted. She just pinches my cheeks and said! " It's very important kookie! We have to go there tonight! Be ready by 8:00p.m. sharp okay??, she said. "Must be a business dinner" I thought while nodding. "Okay then", I said and left.


Double post today!!!!!!!💃
Bye for now!!!!!!

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