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{Timeskip; next day}

You and jungkook both were sleeping peacefully when you heard some noises from downstairs. You sat down on the bed and rubbed your eyes cutely when you eyes landed on jungkook. He was just looking like a cutest bunny. A smile crept on your face and awed at him. You took his blanket which he almost threw at the side of the bed, and covered him up securely. You got up and went to the bathroom to take shower. After few minutes you came back and saw him still sleeping. You took a last glance at him before going down stairs.
(Your outfit 👇)

You went directly to the kitchen where you saw jin cooking some dish

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You went directly to the kitchen where you saw jin cooking some dish. "Oh! Am so sorry if I disturbed your sleep?", he said looking at you as you shook your head immediately. " No no oppa! I usually woke up at this time! But what are you doing?", you asked Furrowing your eye brows as looked at you smiling. "Ahh! Actually when the boys are with me, I love to cook for them! So I just woke up and came to the kitchen as usual", he said as you nodded. "Umm oppa! Can I ask you something?", you asked as he nodded. "Ummm..actually I want to cook something today! But... Umm... Can you please tell me what's jungkook's favorite dish? Aahh.. It's not like... I mean tell me yours too! And jiminiee oppa and taehyungiee oppa's favorite too! I will make that too!", you said nervously as he laughed at you. "Aigooo! Y/niee! You're his wife now! And making your 'HUSBAND'S' favorite dish is normal! You don't have to do formality for making ours!", he said laughing as you scratch your neck nervously. "No no oppa! You can tell me! I can make anything for you!", you said as he laughed. "No need! And for jungkook! HE CAN LITERALLY DIE FOR KIMCHI FRIED RICE AND PORK BELLY!", he said as you nodded! "Okay then! I'll make lunch today! It's already past 11 so they all will have lunch directly", you said smiling, wearing the apron. "Okay head chef! This person is your helper today!", jin said saluting you as you chuckled. Suddenly you felt pain in your stomach but shruggged it off thinking that must be because you were eating restaurant's food from the last few days.

" And done!" , you said clapping your hands as After a whole 1 hour and 30 minutes, your food was finally cooked. "Y/niee! Honestly! You seems like a very good chef! The aroma in the house is just.... Ahmmmm!", he said chirping as you did 'high five' with him. Soon taehyung and jungkook both came at the same time from their rooms respectively as you looked at them. You quickly opened your apron and threw it somewhere saying, "jinnie oppa! Don't tell them that i made the food today! Let them guess!", you said as he smiled nodding. "Good morning everyone!", jungkook said you all replied. He looked at you and said, " You woke up early?" As you nodded. He was confused at your smile but shrugged it off. "Woahh! Jin hyung! The aroma of your food is literally in the whole house today! Jimin said he'll eat later but i think this aroma will wake him up too!", he said laughing. "Yeah exactly! He cooks best food! But not more than me! Right y/n?", jungkook said smirking as you rolled your eyes at him. " Woaah! Mr husband! You already cooked for your wife! You nice keep going!", taehyung said giving thumbs up to him and he smirked proudly.
"But y/nie! I can cook too! Like the best strawberry milkshake and nurungji!! You should try it once!", he said smiling as you looked at him with 'wow' expression. "Really oppa! I would love to try that! I know you can make the best in the world", you said smiling cheekily while he ruffled your hairs out of sudden which jungkook widen his eyes. Taehyung smirked at you and as he know how to make jungkook's blood boil. You on the other hand controlled your laugh. Jungkook sighed and said, "saying who only knows these two things to cook! And to whom? This person right here who doesn't even know how to cook! Jin hyung you remember? How I wished being a foodie to get a wife who knows to make delicious dishes! But see what God destined me with?", he said rolling his eyes at you as you looked at him in disbelief. " No y/n! Don't say anything! Time will answer him badly!", you thought and faked a smile at him. Soon jin came to serve the dishes on the dining table.
(The dishes you made👇)

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