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(Y/n's Pov)

I went to my room straight after biding goodbyes to mom and oppa. There I found a beautiful black dress with a floral print on it laying on my bed. "BEAUTIFUL", That's what instantly came to my mind after seeing that dress. No doubt! Mom's choice is always THE BEST for me!! 😍 as it was only 4:00p.m. now, you decided to take a quick nap, so you set an alarm for 5:00 p.m.

{Timeskip; 7:45 p.m.}
(Y/n's Pov)

Afer waking up from the nap, I quickly went to take shower and changed into the dress my mom bought for me. Probably It wasn't my type as I don't like showing my skin much, but it was beautiful and MY MOM bought this for me. So end of discussion!! It' only 15 minutes left till the 'guests' will arrive. So i was doing a slight make-up today to look more elegant.
(Your outfit 👇)

 (Your outfit 👇)

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(Your hairs👇)

(Author's Pov)

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(Author's Pov)

After getting ready you came downstairs to see your mom preparing for today's dinner. The moment she saw you she gasped covering her mouth, "OMGGG Y/NIEEE YOU'RE LOOKING LIKE AN ANGEL",She said hugging and she pecked your right cheeks." Thank you mom!! I know your choice is always the best for me",you said smiling to her as your mom smiled cheekily saying, "right na?? You should always trust my choice sweetheart",she said smiling dramatically and moving her face to another side to avoid your eye contact. "Umm suspicious",you thought but shrugged it off! As soon you enters the kitchen behind your mom, the aroma of delicious food enters your nose. You were the BIGGEST foodie. So you directly went to counter where cupcakes were and your hands automatically went to pick one of those beautifully designed cupcake. You were about to grab it when your mom slightly slap your hand and said, "not now darling! They are for our guests" She said as you whinned. "Mooommm, just one please"🥺, you made a puppy face coz you know she'll never say no to that. Your mom just laughed at your childishness and allowed to take one cupcake as you clap your hands cutely before tasting one. " Ummmm momm, this is soo yummyyy", you said atuffing your mouth as Mrs. Min chuckles saying, "thank you sweetheart". Soon both of you were interrupted by ringing of bell indicating the 'so called' guests arrived finally.

(Jungkook's Pov)

Me, mom and dad were peacefully enjoying the car ride when the driver took a turn to yoongi hyung's house. I was hella confused right now. " Why the driver moved to yoongi hyung's villa's direction?" "Where are we going Actually? " "Are we going to hyung's home for dinner?" "Wait mom is hyung's mom's friend too? " "Are we gonna meet them tonight?" "Am I going to face y/n too there?", flood of thoughts were going on his mind when my mom said, "come kookie!We reached!" As I nodded being hella confused.

(His look👇)

(Author's Pov)

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(Author's Pov)

As soon as jungkook with his family enters, Mrs jeon and Mrs min both hugged each other tightly as they both are meeting each other after a long time. Mr jeon and Mr min shook their hands as they were also friends due to their business relationship. Soon yoongi came and hugged jungkook which he gladly accept. They came to sit in the living area where maids greet them and serve some tea and snacks to them. All the time jungkook's eyes were finding one figure, that he also don't know WHY?

He just shrugged of his thoughts when he saw a beautiful girl coming with a bouquet. Her eyes were hung low when she was walking, her perfect body was showing her every curve beautiful which was moving in a synch with hers hairs when she was coming towards them. "Beautiful", he mumbled unknowingly which was inaudible for all. Soon the girl came and bowed slightly to Mr and Mrs jeon handing them a beautiful bouquet of roses. Jungkook's eyes never left that girl's figure as he wants to witness the glimpes of her face badly. Yoongi was witnessing every move of jungkook as a smile crept his on his face. Soon Mrs. Min said grabing everyone's attention, "Mina! Meet my beautiful daughter, MIN Y/N". The moment these words slipped out her mouth, jungkook gasped! He was dumbstruck. He looked up at your face and yess!it's true!!! THERE YOU WERE!! Currently he was short of words and his mouth was hanging low. His heart was beating faster than it's usual pace as he was afraid if anyone could listen it up. He was buzy staring at you continuously when his mom called him. "Kookie!? What happened? You okay?", she asked. " Umm ye- yes m- mom! ", he stuttered but he don't know why?.

On the other hand you were shocked too seeing jungkook there. He was the least person you expected when your mom declared today's dinner. You were surprised a bit too. He was looking so handsome in his all black outfit, his hairs were hung backwards and his piercing were looking hella hot. You were interrupted in your thoughts when your mom indicates you to shake your hand with jungkook. You made a disgusting face but soon gave up when you saw her galring at you. [Poor y/n=lucky y/n]🙂 both you shook your hands and soon came to dining area for dinner. Dinner was peaceful yet chaotic. Both your moms were remembering their childhood times and their husbands were laughing at their wives. Yoongi and jungkook were buzy chatting about random stuff. Where as you were buzy eating tasty tasty dishes your mom made for them! [Food is bae❤] time to time,you and jungkook both were sparing glances at each other but none of you initiated a conversation.

{Timeskip; after dinner}

Everyone was gather in the living area after the dinner eating the deserts that your mom prepared herself. The aroma of freshly baked cakes, cupcakes and some ice creams were all over the mansion. Everyone was buzy eating all this until Mrs Jeon spoke grabbing everyone's attention. "Seriously dani-ah, you made the best food in the world!" She said to your mom smiling. "Hope everybody enjoyed it today!", your mom said. "Agreed aunty! Your food even taste better than my mom's one ", jungkook said jokingly as everyone laughed. "Y/n you also know how to cook my sweetie?", Mrs jeon asked you as you nodded. "Not better as mom! But i know the basic cooking aunty!", you said smiling proudly. She smiled cheekily listening to you before bumping her shoulder to jungkook's one teasingly. Jungkook looked at her confused as she smirked at him. "Weird", he thought. "Okay kids! Now let me come to the point of today's meeting!", your mom said grabbing everyone's attention. Mrs jeon also stood up with her. They both went to y/n and jungkook grabbing both of their hands together and said, "y/n and jungkook! I think it's the time to accomplish the promise you both made", your mom said to both you. Jungkook and you just looked at each other, confusion written all over your faces not getting her words. " What promise aunty? ", jungkook asked confused. " My children, we are talking about yours and y/niee's marriage ", Mrs jeon said making both of them gasped in shock together.
" WHAT????????" you both shouted together..................


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