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{AFTER A MONTH....... }

{Timeskip to your wedding day}
(Author's Pov)

It was early in the morning. Birds were chirping happily. A beam of sunlight was coming to your face through the curtains of your room. For a normal person, it can be a fresh start of a day but you wasn't nOrMaL obviously. When sunlight touched your face, your sleepy face turned into a irritated one before tossing to other direction. Suddenly you heard a slight knock on the door, but you just ignored it. After few mins the knock changed into a loud banging sound which made you hella scared and you fell down from your bed. [Y/n's clumsy ass].🙂 "MIN Y/N WAKEE UP!!!", your mom barged the door thud. " Mom cool down! Why are you shouting early in the morning!!! My college is over", you said to her being pissed. Yess!! Your last semester ended this month! That means your college life is OVER!! "Min y/n for God sake!! TODAY IS YOUR WEDDING!!!!!! YOU HAVE TO REACH EARLY FOR MAKEUP AND TO GET READY!!", she shouted as you finally remembered. "Oh yesss today is my wedding", you shouted in your mind. "Ohh yesss!! Am going am going!!", you said to her running towards the washroom to take bath.

You quickly changed to casuals after bathing as you have to arrive before everyone to the venue. You went downstairs to meet every maids of your house. It was very emotional for you to meet everyone like this before your marriage! Ms. Suzy was crying while hugging you which made you emotional too out of sudden. Soon you bid goodbyes to everyone and reached the venue as you were getting late.

{Same time; jungkook's home}

On the other hand, jungkook was nervous af. These days He thought he will be okay on his wedding day but he was not rn. He was almost shivering. All the boys except yoongi was there with him.he was sitting in the corner being all nervous af and the whole room was so chaotic that time.

"Yah taehyung-ah did you see my watch??", jimin asked him as he was serching it for almost an hour. "Yahh idk!! Plz help me with this tie! It's not looking nice on me!", taehyung said to him making a sad face. "J-hopeeeee come fast!!!! I have to go to washroom toooo", jin shouted banging the bathroom door. While j-hope shouted from inside, " Hyungg wait am changing". Namjoon was almost ready. Soon he turned around to see himself fully in the mirror and THUDDDDDD! the vase behind him fell and broke. Jin gave him a death glare saying, "not again namjoon!!! This is the third thing you broke this morning!" He said being pissed as namjoon just nervously chuckle. "YAHHH CAN YOU JUST SIT QUITELY!!!!! AM HELLA SCARED RN!!!", Jungkook shouted as everyone just ignored him and continue doing the things they were doing. " YAHHH GET THE HELL OUT ALL!! LEMME GET READY!! ITSS MY WEDDING!!", he shouted again started pulling everyone one by one out the room and shut the door closed. "He's mad or what??",taehyung said laughing. "Exactly!! He didn't even let me wear my pant properly!", j-hope said tucking his pant properly as everyone laughed. "Aishh it his first wedding na! Thats y he is nervous!", jin said as jimin replied rolling his eyes, "wedding is always first time hyung" As everyone burst out laughing. "Jungkook-ah call us when you get ready! We are going to see the arrangements", namjoon said before going downstairs.

{Timeskip; bride's room}

"And done mam!!", your makeup artist said to you being dolled up. "Thank you so much dear!", you said hugging her and looked up to yourself in a mirror.

(Your wedding gown👇)

(Your wedding gown👇)

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