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"ANNA???",You shouted being totally shocked as she looked at you before screaming, " Y/NIEEEEEEE", she quickly left jimin and ran towards you. She hugged you really tight as you were totally confused rn. Out of sudden she started crying loudly, "y/n-ahhh!😭", she said sobbing as you looked at her in disbelief. The boys were just looking at you both being totally shocked. "Anna? Why are you crying? What happened?", you asked being worried as she didn't stopped crying. You slightly jerked her looking directly in her puffy eyes which are now red being drunk and maybe too much crying. "Anna please tell me!", now you were on the verge of crying seeing her like this when she finally spoke, "y/n....he left!", she said started crying again. " W- who?", you asked as she replied, "harry?", you asked as she nodded. " What? I mean how?? Anna you ok?", you asked her hugging again. On the other hand, jungkook looked at you and mouthed, 'who is harry?' As you mouthed, 'later on'. Soon jungkook,jimin and taehyung decided to exit that place and give you both some privacy. 

"You remember that day! When I told you I have a date with him? He never came there!*sniff* I was waiting for a whole 2 hours! But he never came! Then I thought I should check in his apartment! I was worried if he was sick or something *hiccup* but.. When I entered his apartment, he was lying their with some random girl! N-na-ked! All this time y/n *sniff* HE WAS CHEATING ON ME", she said bursted out crying. You were shocked at this point of time rn. You already dislike that harry! But now when he did this to your best friend! YOU HATE HIM. "Anna! Calm down first! Please stop crying!", you hugged her tightly for making her calm down.

After almost 15-20 minutes, she calmed down as you patted her back. "It's totally alright love! Didn't I told you that he wasn't the right one! Anyways! Take it as a lesson! Let's break his bones once we get back!", you said as she nodded. "Ahh! Ykw!?There was a thief in your house rn! And I literally hitted him badly!", she said looking at you as you rolled your eyes. "Aishh anna! He wasn't a thief! That was jiminie oppa! Jungkook's friend! You idiot!", you said as she widen her eyes, "what????...", she said. At the same moment,  jungkook, jimin, jin and taehyung entered the living area. Jimin was holding the ice packs on his arms where she bit him😂. "Yeah madam! Jungkook is my friend!", jimin said showing her an irritated expression as she pouts. "I am really very sorry! I was drunk a while ago!", anna said as jimin rolled his eyes. "Anna you alright? You came all the way here?", jungkook asked her being concerned as he smiled at him. " Yeah jungkook! I hope things will get better soon! Andd umm.. Sorry I disturbed your honeymoon guys! Actually I didn't have any other best friend except for y/n and at my tough times, she's the only one I could rely upon! So I called her mother and asked the address for your villa and came! Am really very sorry!", she said feeling guilty as you looked at her with 'its okay' face and nodded. "No it's okay anna! Some people have already disturbed our vacation anyways before you! So nothing to worry!", jungkook said faking a smile at the boys as they rolled their eyes at him. "Anna! Come! Eat something first!", jin said as she nodded. "Jin hyung! This Dracula already ate my arm's skin! Do you think she will be hungry?", jimin mumbled as anna gave him a death glare. "I said sorry na?", she said to him. "Hah! If sorry can do something then why do we need police?", jimin said rolling her eyes as you ran and stood between them. "Okay okay! Leave it! Anna let's go! Am sorry jiminie oppa!", you said with the pleading eyes as he smiled at you slightlyslightly saying, " It's okay! That's not your fault!"

The dinner went by and you were now sitting in the living area eating ice cream. Out of sudden, taehyung spoke up, "jungkook-ah! From when do you started having this chocolate ice cream more? Don't you loved mint chocolate the most? ", he said as he looked at him awkwardly before saying, "no- I loved choco too!", he said as everyone chuckled. "Yah! Just agree you bought this specially for your wife!", Jim said smirking as you both blushed a little. You were loving the fact that jungkook was being so caring and loving towards you. On the other hand, moments of last night started flashing in jungkook's mind. The way you both were cuddling each other! Your morning face etc etc. At this moment, he couldn't wait to do this all tonight too. Just with these thoughts, a smile crept on his face as he tried to hide it. Soon jin spoke, "oh! Btw how will we gonna adjust today? There are only three rooms in which Me and taehyung sleep together in one room! And jungkook and y/n sleeps in another one? The left one is taken by jimin only? What to do?", he spoke as everyone look at each other. You and jungkook looked at each other and then jimin when he spoke up, "don't! I will not share a room with her! Who will take the responsibility if she kills me by biting on my neck?", he said as anna rolled his eyes. " Hah! Like I am dying to share a room with an unknown grown up man! Hah! NEVER!!!!",  anna said rolling her eyes as everyone nodded. "She has a point tho",taehyung said. Jungkook was suddenly nervous coz he doesn't want that to happen which he was thinking. But soon his mind shattered when you spoke up, "then only one choice left! Jiminie oppa and jungkook can share the room and me and anna! What say?", you said as jungkook looked at you in disbelief. "What? No! I cannot sleep withou- I mean with jimin hyung!", jungkook said pouting as jin, taehyung and jimin chuckled. "But there's not any other way", jin said and at last he nodded. You noticed him and smiled a little as you know why he was behaving like that. He actually wants to sleep with you only that is why of course! You also wants cuddle him like last night but it can't be helped as anna and jimin cannot share the room obviously.

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