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PART- 11


After the rituals ended, you both came down to greet everyone as all of them cheered. "Y/niee!! Welcome to our family love!!", Mrs jeon said hugging. "Thank you mom!! ", you said smiling as jungkook unknowingly smiled at little at you saying mrs jeon 'mom'. "My bunny is all grown up now!! You better take care of her kookiee!!", she said and went to hug jungkook too as he nodded. "Y/nahh!! Jungkook-ah!!! Congratulations!!!!", jin screamed coming to hug you both. "Thank you hyung", jungkook said while hugging. "Y/niee you can't even think how much nervous he-" "Yaahhh jiminshiii", jimin was about to complete his sentence when suddenly jungkook came and covered his mouth to stop him for speaking further. He just passed you a nervous smile while everyone laughed. "Y/nieee!! You're looking so beautiful today!! Like the most beautiful girl I have ever seen", Taehyung said suddenly coming forward as jungkook just widen his eyes. "Awww thank you oppa!", you said hugging him as jungkook just glared at you both. "Oppa?", he thought and felt something uneasy in him. He just shrugged of the thought and went to the table to sit down as everyone followed him. On the other hand you were confused as why the hell he is behaving sulky all of sudden. You went and sat near him.

Soon Anna took the mic grabbing everyone's attention. "Jungkook and y/n congratulations to you both!! May your married life be the best!!!", she said as everyone clapped. " I request every couple to come forward and enjoy the couple dance yayy!!! ", she said as one by one Everyone gathered. You love to dance from childhood. You were hesitant at first to ask jungkook for a dance but soon you gathered some courage and turned towards him. " Umm jungkook? You wanna dance?", you asked politely. "Not at all!", he said directly to your face and went to meet some people. "What was I expected?", you thought as you felt a bit sad. Soon taehyung saw you and came towards you. "Y/niee why aren't you dancing??", he asked. You faked a smile and just pointed towards the direction where jungkook was standing with some random people talking. "Ohhhh! So why don't you dance with me until he came!", he asked showing his boxy smile while forwarding his hand to you. "Sure oppa", you said smiling to him as you gladly accept his hand, walking towards the dance floor. The music started and you both started to move according to the beats. You both were laughing matching your steps with each other.

On the other hand, jungkook was talking to some people when something caught his eyes. "Umm taehyungiee hyung is dancing?? But with whom?? ", he thought in his mind but he got numb when he saw YOU dancing with taehyung. Taehyung's one hand was on your waist and other was holding your hand. He felt a sudden rush of anger inside him. He don't know why he was feeling like this but at this moment, he just want to go and pull his 'WIFE' towards him. The more he was seeing you happy and laughing with taehyung while dancing, the more his anger was arising. Soon he took big steps towards the dance floor and stood in front of you both. You both stopped as you felt someone's presence behind you. "Jungkook-ah you came??", taehyung asked as jungkook just glared at you both. "Hyung! Can i dance with MY WIFE?? today is our wedding I guess??", he said pressuring the word 'my wife' as you widen your eyes at his statement. " Ofc! She is all yours", taehyung said while placing your hand on his shoulder. Your stomach literally did a 360° flip when he held you by your waist and pulled towards him. "Umm jung-k-kook? ", you stuttered because you felt his breathe on your face as he was very close to you. Jungkook's heart was beating crazily while holding you. You both were just inches apart when unknowingly he started leaning towards you. He himself don't know what he was doing but he just close his eyes and started to lean. You also don't know what to do in that situation so you just go with the flow. You were about to close your eyes too when something caught your attention as you widen your eyes. "AAHHHHH RAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!",you screamed from the top of your lungs and ran towards the nearby tables. In this process you didn't know you step on to jungkook's shoes with your heels making him wince in pain. " Aahhhhh y/n what are you doing??? ", he shouted holding his feet. You quickly ran to stood on nearby chair screaming to the hell.

"Ahhhhh i saw a rat there!!!!", you shoutes again being on a verge to cry as everyone in the guest came towards you. "Y/n calm down and come down!!!", your mom shouted as every guest were laughing at you. "Y/nahh calm down!! He's not going to eat youu!", yoongi shouted holding your hand to make you come down of the chair. Jin, jhope and rm on the other hand, were holding their laugh seeing jungkook as he was shouting holding his feet." This idiot!! Did you just wore a drill on your feet?? You almost made a big hole in my feet!!", jungkook shouted at you. You were about to come down when you saw the rat again. "AHHHH THIS RATTTT!!!", You shouted again as you founded a cupcake on your nearby table and throw it with the full force. But unfortunately it went and directly landed on jimins shirt. "Opps", you thought and widen your eyes. Taehyung who was standing with jimin started to laugh his ass out. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA JIMINAAH", He rolled on the floor laughing. As jimin just showed him a pissed look before grabbing a cupcake from the counter before shoving it to taehyung's nose. "Hahahaha taehyung!! You're looking like a clown!!!", jimin said laughing at him as taehyung just grabs another piece while hitting him again but it hitted jin this time. "YAHH YOU PUNKS!! HOW DARE YOU HIT MY WORLDWIDE HANDSOME FACE???", he said while throwing cupcake to them.on the other hand, jungkook to threw it to your face as you dogged it perfectly." Wait you monkey!!! You need a lesson badly!!wait for me!!",you said grabbing two-three cupcakes in your hands running towards him. Soon this chaos changed into a cup cake war.The guest were too involved in this war laughing. Meanwhile both of your parents were sitting under the tables to save themselves from the chaos you created. Only RM and yoongi were the one stopping everyone. "Yahhh is this a real wedding??? STOP THIS NONSENSE RN!!!" yoongi shouted but soon stopped when somebody threw a cupcake right on his face.

{Timeskip; after almost half an hour}
(Author's pov)

Everyone was now buzy wiping their faces after the so called 'CUPCAKE WAR'. "Rm hyung taehyung started it I swear!!", jimin was whinning to rm. "Nooooo he started to hit me first!!!", taehyung said wiping his face while rm and yoongi just rolled their eyes at him. "Shut up will you??", yoongi said glaring at them.

You were currently sitting on a chair facing your back with jungkook's one. You both were angry with each other because you spoiled his shirt while he spoiled your dress and makeup. Your mom was helping you wipe the mess you created on your face. "When will you grow up?? It was YOUR wedding y/nahh!!! The mess you created!! Aishhh!", she scolded you as you just lower your eyes feeling guilty somehow. "They are literally behaving like 5 years old kids!! Kookiee! Why would you hit me y/niee!! Don't you dare to touch her", Mrs jeon said to jungkook making him shocked. "Momm she was the one who created all this chaos and you are siding her???", he whinned as everyone chuckled. "They will never grow up!" Yoongi said being totally irritated.

Suddenly your mother started crying. "But am gonna miss all this my daughter!! You are now going to other house and am gonna miss you!", she said crying while you just watched her with your doe eyes. "Momm i will miss youuu", you said crying loudly. You both hug each other and started bawling. Soon Anna came too! "Y/nnn I will miss you toooo", she said crying laudly grabbing everyone's attention towards you all. "Awww anna I'll miss you too" You said crying more louder hughing Anna.

Meanwhile, jungkook was literally shocked seeing you all. "Its not like somebody died. Why are they all bawling", he thought seeing you'll like this. "Jungkook what the hell you gifted yourself buddy!?", he thought. Soon jin came to jungkook. "Jungkook-ah! As you two are finally married. I want to invite you for the dinner tomorrow! You have to come with her haan!? I will cook myself for you all! ", he said smiling. "Okay hyung! But wait- wdym by ALL?", he asked curiously. "Aishh obviously! All the boys will be there too!!", he said. "Ohh okay then!", he said.

" Jungkook be easy on her bun! don't be too rash on her!! ", jimin said smirking mischievously to him as he eyed him confused. " What do you mean?", he asked confused but soon widen his eyes thinking WHAT actually jimin was talking about. "JIMINSHIIIII", he shouted as you diverted your attention towards them. "What happened? ", you asked them as jimin said, " Umm nothing! I was just advising him for your umm.... First night!", he said whispering last words to your ears and everyone laughed. A blush crept on both of your faces. As you both just avoided the eye contact. "Umm I think we should leave now! ", jungkook said nervously to which Taehyung said, "ohooo!! Our bunny is getting impatient!! Let them leave noww!!", he said smirking as everyone just chuckles. "Yeah son! You both should go now!!", Mr jeon handed him the car keys. "Bye mom! Bye dad! Bye oppa! Byee Anna!", you cried biding goodbyes to everyone.


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