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{Timeskip; next day at cafe}
(jungkook's pov)

I was currently sitting at the cafe, waiting for y/n to come. The cafe was beautiful and it's interior was all aesthetic! "She chose a nice place",i thought.i chose a table at the corner which have a glass window at a side! "Beautiful"!!! I came here early as I was nearby so i ordered a cArAmeL mAcChiAtO (ifykyk🤧) for myself first.

(The cafe👇)

(Jungkook's outfit 👇)

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(Jungkook's outfit 👇)

(Jungkook's outfit 👇)

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(Y/n's outfit 👇)

I took a sip of my coffee when I saw y/n coming towards the cafe

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I took a sip of my coffee when I saw y/n coming towards the cafe. On the same moment a boy riding his sports cycle in full speed was coming towards her too. He was about to hit y/n when suddenly he saw y/n and turn the cycle's handle to other direction which unfortunately hitted an old lady carrying some tangerines. Three of them fell down. "Oh shit", I mouthed as I ran towards them. I was about to help y/n to get up but she stood herself up and ran to help that old lady to stand up. I ran to pick up her tangerine fastly collecting them in her basket when I heard her. " Ahjuma are you okay??, to which she nodded. "And you mister!! Can't you ride your cycle properly!! What if something happened to this ahjuma??? Who will take a blame then", she said angrily to the boy. "Sorry ahjuma! Sorry miss! I wasn't paying much attention to the road soo sorry! Ahjuma you alright?", he asked genuinely. " Yes I am alright thankfully! Thank you so much dear for helping me! God bless you", ahjuma said still holding y/n's hand. "It's okay ahjuma! Are you seriously okay na? You didn't get any wound or something?", y/n asked being all concerned about her. She shook her head saying, " No dear! Am alright! Thanks to uh!", she said smiling to her.

"Ahjuma! Your tangerines", I said going towards them handing her the basket as she smiled and said, "Thank you son". "Y/n you okay?? Your hand is slight bleeding!!", I said being concerned about her, holding her hand firmly. " Yeah yeah am all good! It's just a slight wound! No worries!", she said smiling. "ALRIGHT?? NOOO YOU'RE NOT!! IT'S BLEEDING!!Come on let's go the pharmacy!!", I said pulling her a bit. "Aishhh jungkook why are you over reacting!? It's not even a big deal!!!", she said sternly. " Ohh dear!! Your boyfriend is quite worried! Just go with him!! ", ahjuma said smiling as I just got back to senses for what I was doing. I blushed and left her hand immediately. Y/n blushed a little too! "Umm no ahjuma!! He's not my boyfriend! He's just someone I know", she said to her as she nodded smiling. "Just someone"?? I thought as I didn't liked that! She was talking to ahjuma when I quickly ran to the nearby pharmacy to get some bandages for her.

(Y/n's Pov)

I bid goodbye to ahjuma and saw jungkook running towards me with a small bag. "Here!! Give me your hand", he said as he took out a bandage from the bag. "Aishh it's okay!! It's not even that big!!!", I said chuckling. "Can you just shut your mouth and give me your hand???", he said sternly. "Rude monkey!" I thought before giving him my hand. He held my hand firmy and cleaned the wound and Applied the bandage on it. When he was buzy in this process I looked up to his face when thoughts of him helping ahjuma and him being concerned for me flooded in my brain. I didn't know why but I got butterflies in my stomach seeing how he cared for me for a moment. For a moment I forgot he's my so called enemy!!!

On the other hand, jungkook was also so stunned to watch how you acted all bold today. He was amazed how you helped ahjuma and made that boy apologize to her. Also it hurted him somewhere when he saw your wound. He don't like to see someone hurt. But for you! He was feeling like he himself was hurt but he didn't know WHY??

They both were buzy in their thoughts when jungkook got back to senses and said, "okay done!!" I looked at my hand smiled a bit. "Let's go inside now", he said moving inside the cafe.

We both entered the cafe as he ask me to order something, so I ordered a latte with a strawberry cheesecake. Few minutes passed neither he nor you was initiating a conversation. Soon jungkook broke the silence and spoke. " Soo ummm what did you thought of the idea?", he asked curiously. "It's not easy to convince my mom! I tried to convince her to deny this idea but yk! She will not be convinced either", you said rolling your eyes. " Same case! My mom has already decided to marry us! I don't know what the hell she saw in you", he said moving his face on other side . You widen your eyes at his statement and said, "oh mister!!! I DON'T KNOW WHAT MY MOM SAW IN YOU?? a jerk!!! You don't know how good I am and how good wife I can be!!!", you said shouting at him as he said, " Exactly!!! You couldn't even imagine how good husband I can be in future!!! Better than you at least!!! i dont want you to be that lucky girl!!! I will say no to this stupid marriage for sure!! ", he said raising his voice a little bit as you rolled your eyes. "As if I am dying to get married to you!! I will say NOO to this marriage today!", you said getting up to leave! " Monkeyy", you shouted before leaving. "Idiot", he said before going in other direction as you.

{Timeskip; y/n's home}
(Author's Pov)

You entered the house fuming with anger but cool down just to see Mrs jeon drinking tea with your mom in the living room. You made yourself calm a bit and entered there, " Hello aunty! Hi mom", you bowed a little going to them. "Oh y/niee my daughter!" Your mom said making you sit between them. "So how was your meeting??", mrs jeon asked with her sparkling eyes. "It was okay aunty", you lied faking a smile to her. "Greattt!!!!! Then your answer is yes dear??", your mom asked, happiness was clearly visible on her face as you felt guilty to deny as it will make her upset. You just stood and ran to your room. "I think she's shy!! It means it's a yesssss!!! Yayyyy", your mom said as they both hugged!! " Finally let's get the marriage dates fixed!!!!"they both said and high fived!

{Timeskip at night; jungkook's home}

Jungkook entered the home and see his mom and dad browsing some invitation card ideas online. He was confused rn. Soon Mrs jeon saw and ran towards him to give a tight hug, "oh my dear kookie!! Am so happy that you both!!! Y/n agreed to this marriage!! I love you both my dear baby", she said squeezing him out as he shouted, "WHAT?????? She agreed??", he asked shocked. "Yeah! I was at her home this afternoon and she was just too shy to face me and her mom! So it's a yess!!! I am soo happy kookie", Mrs jeon said hugging him again as he was just too speechless. He didn't understand why you said yes but seeing his mom dad being all happy! He thought of going with a flow. "If y/n is my destiny than it can't be changed! Am ready to face all this! ", he thought and faked a smile.

On the other hand YOU also couldn't deny this marriage seeing your family so happy! It was all that matters the most in your life! "If it's only jungkook, the key to my family's happiness! Then I am ready too!", she thought.


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