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{Timeskip; next day}
(Jungkook's pov)

It was a start to such a beautiful morning. The view from my balcony was just breathtaking. The jeju sea waves was looking so beautiful. I was about to wake up when I felt weight on my shoulder. I diverted my gaze towards the direction and saw y/n sleeping so peacefully. Her face was on my shoulder and her hands were hugging me just like a baby. She was looking just soo beautiful and cute at the same time. The way her lips were parted and the way she was sleeping so peacefully! I couldn't help but smile Cheekily. Even I don't know why? But whenever I see her! Whether she is talking, sleeping, eating, angry, sad, or whatever she is doing! I can't help but smile at her! My heart beat accelerates. Maybe.... Just maybe... IS THIS IS THE FEELING WHEN SOMEONE IS IN LOVE? DO I REALLY LOVE Y/N NOW? My mind was full with these thoughts but one thing I realized for sure and that is............... I LIKE HER!

(y/n's pov)

The sunrays fell on my face that disturbed my peaceful sleep. I slowly opened my eyes when I felt like I was hugging someone. "Wait!? Am a hugging jungkook once again?", I thought as my eyes widen. I mentally facepalmed as I know he will tease me again for sure now. Shrugging of the thoughts, I decided to open my eyes slowly just to witness him staring at me already. But his eyes wasn't showing any kind of irritation or Irkedness. Even that was showing..... Love? Or adoring? "Wait it isn't a dream right??" We both were staring at each other's soul without even initiating any conversation. Soon jungkook decided to speak. "Umm good morning!", he said smiling a bit. "This bunny boy looks so cute when he smile anyways", I thought and a smile crept on my face too. "Yeah, good morning", I said giving a smile back. "Umm soooo.... Do you want to hug me more or should I go to the bathroom?", he said as his smile changed into a smirk. "Okay! I take my words back that I said few minutes ago!", you thought before quickly taking or arms back. He just chuckled at you as you were embarrassed. "Actually there wasn't any extra pillow last night! And you ready know I can't sleep without hugging anything! Sorry I guess! This will not happen again!" You said as his face dropped for a second. But you don't know why? "Umm! I wasn't saying you can- not h-hug m-me! I mean! I-its okay! Means if you're comfortable! I-i have no problem!", he said stuttering as you were confused af right now. "Huh?", you said furrowing your eyebrows. Honestly you didn't get what he said. He just look at you amused by your dumbest reaction. He made an irked face before waking up from the bed mouthing "nothing".

(Author's pov)

He took the towel and was about to go inside the washroom when the doorbell rang. "Huh? Who will be there early in the morning?", you asked to him as he made a 'how can i know?' Face. "Aah wait! The maids don't live here! They must be there", he said to you and went to open the door. You also followed him. Jungkook went before you to open the door and the moment the door opened, he felt numb! He was just too stunned to speak anything. You also came from behind and widen your eyes. "WOAHHH JINNIEE OPPA???????", you screamed and went to jungkook. "Hello both of youu", jin said smiling awkwardly. "Not only him! I am with him too!", jimin said popping out of one of jin's worldwide shoulders. As yours and jungkook's eyes widen. "Umm mee too!", taehyung also popped out of the jin's other shoulder. Jungkook was just done at this point of time. He sighed and chuckles unusually being totally pissed. Reason? OBVIOUSLY HE WANTS TO SPEND THIS TIME WITH YOU ONLY!

on the other hand, you were quite happy as well as confused. Not to deny! You also want to spend this time with jungkook only. But the boys were like friends to you so it was not like you were pissed or something. "OMG! YOU GUYS! WOW!!!!!!! WELCOMEEEE!!", you screamed being happy and went to hug them one by one. Wait- that's when something cross jungkook's mind. "Y/n's night wear!" As you already know it was quite short! And jungkook don't want to anyone to watch and admire what's HIS only. He himself don't know why he was being so possessive over you but it is as it is! It wasn't like he doesn't trust jin, tae and jimin. But yk! THE HUSBAND'S POSSESSIVENESS! 🤭

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