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(Author's Pov)

"Jungkook????", y/n said. Jungkook who was cooking calmly that time diverted his attention where you were, confused. "Huh??", he said. "Aaahhh i was afraid!! Yaah!! Can't you just tell where you're going?? Do you know how scared I was????", you said sighing in relief. Not to deny you were hella scared when you were not finding jungkook anywhere. It's only few days to your marriage and this house was totally new for you. And for not Even once, your family had left you all alone. So you just get scared easily. On the other hand, jungkook was just confused over your behavior. "You were sleeping when I woke up! So I didn't want to disturb you and wait-........ You.. Were...afraid coz of me?????", he said changing his decent expression to a mischievous smirk. He started coming towards you slightly bending towards your height. Your heart started thumping loudly. You don't know why? But he have this effect on you from the college days. "Huh!! I wasn't afraid!!! I was just curious where you were?", you said avoiding his eye contact. "Curious where I was? Hmm nice!! So you were missing me? Right?", he said smirking. "Aishhhhh thiss mannnn!!!", you groaned inside your mind. Don't know why but you were hella nervous right now! But obviously!! You can't show that to him. Soon you gathered some courage and answered him. "Missing you??? Hah!! Never in my dreams!! Andd it's not like you have any work or something! That's why I was curious where you were early in the morning!", you said with full attitude moving yourself to other side. Jungkook knows you were lying so a chuckle left his mouth which was inaudible for you. "Hmm hmm! That's why you were carrying my beautiful vase with you early morning right?? You scary cat!!", he said chuckling. "Aishhhhhh!!! YEAH I WAS AFRAID TO BE ALONE!! WHEN I HEARD NOISES FROM DOWNSTAIRS I THOUGHT IT WAS A THEIF!! THAT'S WHY I GRAB THIS VASE FOR SELF DEFENCE!! HAPPY NOW?? SAY?? HAPPY NOW????", you shouted from the top of your lungs holding him from collars, tiptoeing to his height.

You didn't realise how close you were to his face. On the other hand, jungkook was flustered due to your actions. He was speechless when you pulled him towards you. You both were just having a staring competition without any word when the ding sound of microwave echoed. That was the moment you realize what you were doing. You quickly detached yourself from him leaving his collars. None of you was able to face each other or initiate a conversation. The atmosphere was getting more awkward when jungkook sighed loudly grabbing your attention. "Anyways! I made breakfast!!You can join if you want to!", he said and went to set the dining table up. "YOU KNOW HOW TO COOK!?", you asked being totally shocked. "Hmm better than your jinnie oppa!", he whispered which was inaudible for you. "What?", you asked confused. "I said YES!! if you don't want to have it, it's okay! I'll eat it myself!", he said sitting on the chair eyeing you. Obviously he was lying!🤭 he woke up earlier than usual just to make breakfast for you but will he gonna admit this?? HELL NAHH!!😂. "Huh! Jerk!", you thought in your mind with an irritated expression. "Am hungry! So I will eat it for now!", you said pulling a chair for yourself ignoring him. He smiled unknowingly and served the plate in front of you.
(Your breakfast👇)

 (Your breakfast👇)

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