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{timeskip; in car}
(Author's Pov)

You both just left your wedding venue. Jungkook was driving while you were beside him on passenger seat.The ride was totally silent when Suddenly he heard a light sniffs from your side which made his eyes divert towards you. "Why are you crying now?", he asked you confused. "Will you be laughing when you have to leave your mom dad forever?", you said coldly before looking outside the car window. "But it's not like you're leaving them forever? You can meet them whenever you want!", he said while turning his gaze back to the road. "Yes point! It's not like am leaving them forever. But still I will miss staying with them. And i have to face this monkey daily from now on!",you thought. "Ughhh", you groaned suddenly catching Jungkook's attention again to which he widen his eyes. "Now Whattt!! You scared me", he said widening his eyes. "Stupid girl", he thought and diverted his gaze towards the road again.

You both reached the mansion that Mrs and Mr jeon gifted you on your wedding. You and jungkook both denied it first but they both forced you so much to have some privacy and it's their way to show their 'LOVE' to you both so you have to agree with it. Jungkook parked the car in the garage and exit from the car. Whereas you stared at him with your eyes widen. "Is.. Is he not going to help me out with this heavyyyy gown?", you thought fuming with anger. "Jerk!! What the hell I am expecting from him!!", you shouted being inside the car. After adjusting your gown a bit, you tried your best to get out the car and it succeed after few tries. You literally made a huge ball with your gown holding it with your both hands which helped you to walk with a little ease. Unfortunately, the way you were holding your gown, it was showing your long legs a bit. But do you have the time to ACTUALLY care for that?? HELL NAHH!!!!
(How you were holding your gown 👇)

 But do you have the time to ACTUALLY care for that?? HELL NAHH!!!!(How you were holding your gown 👇)

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you started to walk inside the big door to mansion. It was surrounded with bodyguards all around."is this place not Safe for us??",you thought being scared but shrugged it off when you saw jungkook waiting for you leaning towards the door with an irritated look. "Are you a tortoise?? Literally who takes this much time to exit the car?", he asked with an irritated expression. "Is he serious?", you thought before replying. "Wear this gown and heels for a while! It will answer your question much better!", you said faking a smile to which he rolled his eyes. Suddenly jungkook's eyes went towards your gown which you were holding. He was...... Flustered for a while seeing your......... LeGs??. A sudden blush crept over his face but soon turned into a sharp glare when he saw one of the bodyguard staring a your legs with a slight smirk. Without wasting any second, he turned towards you and picked you up in a bridal style and shoot a sharp glare at that bodyguard who widen his eyes seeing him angry to which he lower his gaze being embarrassed. On the other hand you were shocked by his sudden action. "Ju-jungkoo-kook!", you stuttered unknowingly blushing. Not to deny, your stomach did a 360° flip when you saw him all mad due to something but the reason was unknown to you. "Why is he looking ummm...hOt???",you thought. He didn't said anything and continued to move upstairs may be where may it will be your SHARED bedroom. Soon he opened one of the bedroom's door with his feet, still holding you in his arms.

As soon as you both entered, your eyes finally made an eye contact, And jungkook realized what he was doing. His eyes widen and he was speechless. He literally made you fell on the ground with a loud thud. "Aahhh you idiot!!", you winced in pain when you fell on the ground. "Ohh umm sorry! It wasn't intentional!", he said avoiding your eye contact. "Then why the hell you lifted me in your arms firstly???", you asked being annoyed. He himself didn't know why the  hell he did that! He didn't even have a particular answer to this question. "You yourself said it was hard for you to walk in this stupid gown! I was just helping you to reach early here", he said looking everywhere but not you. You furrowed your eyebrows not satisfied with his answer but shrugged off. "Ahhhh my back!!",you shouted as he helped you to get up!!! "Ahh it's paining like hell!!" You cried as he just showed you a pissed look. "It's not like it's broken! Apply a medicine before sleeping",he said as you rolled your eyes. " Monkey",you shiuted in your mind. "Okay now tell which one is my room? ", you asked as his eyes widen. " What do you mean my room? This place is not enough for you???", he asked shocked. Ughhh this monkeyyyy. "I am not sharing a room with youuuu!!", you shouted. "Okay then! That's the door! You can find any room you want", he said smiling mischievously. "Suspicious", you thought before exiting the room. Soon you came to the hall and one by one entered the rooms only to see them Empty and dirty or either locked. "Ugh what the hell!", you groaned before entering the previous shared bedroom of you both. "Ohh you came back? Why??? You didn't wanna share a room with me right??", he asked you teasingly as you made a pissed look at him before opening your suitcase to take out a comfy wear. Jungkook already took a shower when you were away. He was now sitting on his bed scrolling through his phone. You entered the bathroom to take a shower. After few minutes you wore your night wear and entered the bedroom, just to see him sleeping so peacefully.

(Your night wear👇)

"Huh? He's sleeping so peacefully after making me angry!! Ouchhh my back hurts tooo!", you thought

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"Huh? He's sleeping so peacefully after making me angry!! Ouchhh my back hurts tooo!", you thought. "Should we sleep on the same bed?", you thought furrowing youe eyebrows. "No no!! I can't sleep on the same bed as him! What if he thinks I am a pervert or something!", you thought. "But wait I am his.... WiFe now!! I have this right! And my back is aching too! THE PAIN HE CAUSED! Yeah right! I will sleep on the bed itself. Huh!" You fought with your own thoughts for a while and finally decided to sleep on the bed beside him. Somehow you were nervous and flustered at thought of sharing a bed with him but you just let it go. "Okay y/n just sleep! You're tired af rn!!", you thought and drifted to dreamland.

{Timeskip; next day morning}

It was one of the most comfortable sleep of your life. Like how satisfactory a sleep is when you're tired af last night and you don't have to wake up early. You were currently sleeping while hugging a big  pillow which was too soft and too comfy to hold. Suddenly you felt like the pillow was hughing you too. "How cute", you thought in your sleep, smiling. "BUT WAIT!!! PILLOWS DON'T HAVE ARMS?", You woke up immediately just to witness the pillow you were hugging and wait- "JUNGKOOK?????????", you shouted which made him wake up immediately. "Ahhh lady calm down! Why are you shouting early in the morning!? ", he said pouting and rubbing his eyes cutely. " WHY WERE YOU HUGGING ME???", you asked shouting again. "WHATTT? WHY WOULD I HUG YOU?? I WAS HUGGING A PILLO-?? HUH??", He said but soon stopped seeing no pillow around him but only YOU. "Wait that was y-you? ", he asked as you gave him 'are you serious' look. "Aah sorry I guess! You were hugging me too but! ", he said and smirked. You just avoided his eye contact, " Am sorry too! ",you shouted and ran to bathroom, closing the door shut. " Cute", he thought and hid his smiling face before going downstairs.

(Jungkook's Pov)

It was already past two! And both of us wasn't in a mood to cook so we both ordered some take out from outside and with a flash! It was already 6 in the evening and we both were currently getting ready for the dinner at jin hyung's house.

Hello readers,
Do share this story if you're liking it. Comment your views whether it's going good or not? DO READ THE PREVIOUS CHAPTERS TOO!! Thankful for all the readers who are supporting me since day 1!!! Love you all❤🤧✋take care!!!

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