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{Timeskip; after 2 days}
(Author's pov)

These two days passed like a flash of light. It was currently midnight. You and jungkook both were sleeping peacefully on your sides of the bed when suddenly alarm started to ring showing 4:30 am in the morning. For the first time in your life you woke up on the second ring of the alarm turning it off with a smiling face. Shocked right?🤭 obviously because you were going for a vacation or maybe your so called hOnEymOoN. Your flight was early morning at 8:00 am so you both have to get ready and leave for the airport early. You quickly grabbed your clothes and ran to the washroom to take a quick shower and get ready. Lowkey you were excited for this trip. Obviously you love travelling but this time it was maybe an another reason too. On the other hand jungkook woke up too. He opened his eyes to find you but you were not there. He assumed you must be in bathroom so he took out his clothes too and waited for you to come. Same as you, he was so excited too. The idea of spending some alone time with you was all over his mind.he felt his heart dancing at this unknown thoughts. Soon you came and he went in to take shower. Both of you has already packed your bags and it was downstairs. Your mom herself packed your bag as usual and you didn't even have the need to recheck it as you trust her in this work. You both wore casuals and left for the airport.

(Jungkook's outifit👇)

(Jungkook's outifit👇)

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(Your outfit👇)

{Timeskip; in the aeroplane}

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{Timeskip; in the aeroplane}

Both of you reached early and did all the formalities here. Now you both were sitting in the aeroplane next to each other. Soon the plane took off as after sometime you felt your eyes you vy. As obviously! You woke up early than usual so you were feeling sleepy. You tried to hold for a long time but in the end your eyes gave up and you Slept. Unknowingly your head landed softly on jungkook's shoulder which made him widen his eyes a bit. He looked at you only to witness you sleeping so deeply like a small baby. A small smile crept on his face. Soon an air hostess came and said, "sir mam, would you like some--",she haven't even completed herself when jungkook put a finger on his mouth indicating her to remain silent as it may distrub your peaceful sleep. The air hostess just smiled at you both and left. Jungkook smiled looking at you sleeping on his shoulder as he grabs a blanket and tucked it properly over you.

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