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(Author's pov)

You both opened your eyes abruptly when you heard someone's voice. You both diverted your eyes at the same moment to witness both of your moms standing at the door laughing cheekily while looking away. After them, both of. you made an eye contact with each other and realised the situation. "Ahhh", you both shouted and you pushed jungkook away from you that caused jungkook directly land on the floor. 🤭 "mom! You here! Hello mom!", you said nervously smiling without even helping jungkook to get up. He glared at you for this before standing up on his own before greeting both the moms. "Mom! Hehe... Umm.. You didn't told me you were coming here...????", he asked mrs jeon smiling nervously while rubbing his nape. "Aish i was calling you both from half an hour! But none of you was picking up! So we all decided to come directly! And the door was open too! That's why we entered like this", she said. You both checked your pockets and realised both of you left your Phones in the bedroom. "What happened? Are you both not happy to see us here? Do we arrived at the wrong time?", your mom teased you both supressing her laugh. "What do you mean by wrong time honey?", your dad asked while entering with Mr jeon. "Yes? Were they both going anywhere?", Mr jeon asked to which both the moms laugh. While you and jungkook was just too embarrass to speak anything. After all you both were in somehow awkward position in front of them. "Aish it's nothing to worry! You can just assume we might get grandchildren soon!", mrs jeon said smiling cheekily as you both shoot your eyes to her widening your eyes. Mr jeon and Mr min furrowed their eyebrows being confused. "Means?", Mr min said. "Aishhhh! It's nothing", mrs min said irritated at the fact both the dads weren't getting what they meant. "Ahh mom dad! Come let's sit first!", jungkook said changing the topic as everyone chuckled. " Yes my bunny boy!", mrs jeon said ruffling his hairs.

You hugged your mom dad simultaneously before saying, "I missed you both!" "Us tooo my beautiful daughter", you dad said kissing your forehead. You hugged mrs jeon too which she gladly accepted. "My y/niee! He doesn't irritate you right!?", she asked you as you eyed him playfully. Jungkook glared at his mom while whining, "mom! You should ask me that!", he whinned as you both chuckled. "No mom not much!", you said assuring her as a small smile crept on jungkook's faceface unknowingly.

"Okay but why are you all here suddenly? I mean am happy! But a bit curious too!", jungkook asked as everyone chuckled. "Umm actually...... Jungkook and y/n.....we are her toooo...", mrs jeon said but stopped feeling a bit nervous. You and jungkook both showed her a confused face. "Aishh! Say it honey! They are our children anyways", Mr jeon said. "Okay let me say! Jungkook and y/n we all want you to go to your honeymoon!", mrs min said as everyone nodded smiling. "WHATTT?????",you both said at the same time being shocked. "Why are you both sounding so shocked? Everyone after their marriage goes!", Mr jeon said rolling his eyes and mrs jeon nodded agreeing to his statement saying, "Exactly! It will be your private time together! And it will help you both to know each other more!", she said. "But mom! Us? Alone? No way!", you said as your mom hit you slightly on your arm. "Aishh! Weren't you both married? And every couple goes to their honeymoon alone sweetheart! ", she said sarcastically as you rolled your eyes. "And you guys can continue what you were doing before without any interruption", mrs jeon said smirking as both of your face Reddened due to embarrassment. "Aishh they gonna tease us forever now!", jungkook mentally whinned. "But mom this is a peak season! Every abroad flights will be booked for sure!", he said trying to convince them as they all laughed hysterically which made you both confused. "Yeah! That is why we booked the tickets to jeju island! You have your villa there right?", Mr min said as everyone nodded. You both just mentally face palmed. It's IMPOSSIBLE for you both to convince your parents as in the end, you have to agree to them. You were about to say something when jungkook interrupted you saying, "okay! We will go! Happy?", he said faking a smile to which both of your parents stood up hooting, hugging each other and dancing like they have won a world cup. You chuckled at them as that's what matter the most to you, YOUR PARENTS HAPPINESS. On the the other hand, it was not like jungkook was unhappy at the thought of going with you, EVEN IF HE DIDN'T MADE A STRAIGHT FACE THAT TIME, EVERYONE MUST HAVE GUESSED HOW MUCH HAPPY HE WAS! He don't why he was feeling like this these days But still he was a bit shy to say anything. To be honest, you were happy too inside! It wasn't uncomfortable at all with jungkook these days like before but you just don't know what you were feeling right now! "Okay soo! I must pack your bag y/niee! Keep that work to me!", your mom said being excited as mrs jeon nodded too! "Yess my baby! Leave that to us!", she said as they both came to hug you. From the school time, it was only your mom who always pack your bags whenever you went anywhere so it was quite normal for you. You smiled at them nodding. "Okay lemme just ask the maids there to clean the villa for you both", Mr jeon said as jungkook nodded.

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