Chaper 54

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Aron's Ryle POV

"What do I need to know, Ryle?" Dwight asked right away when we reached the rooftop. 

We are standing feet away from each other. She focused her eyes on me. Her glances were anxious and confused. Her eyes were filled with eagerness to know something.  It was sad and fiery at the same time. 

"Love, I'm afraid you won't be able to —"

"Drop the words, Ryle," she interrupted me. "We are not young anymore. I don't need to hear such words."

"It's about your mom, tita Lavianna," I uttered. 

"What's wrong with my mother?" Her expression changed and became more gloomy and worried. "Did the doctor say something to you? Is my mother not going to wake up? Can't she walk again? Is she going to stay like that?" She bombarded me with the following questions. 

I shook my head in surrender. "No, no." I let out a quick breath and looked right into her eyes. I know it's not good to hide it from her. Even if I hid it from her out of good will, I couldn't deny that it's still a form of deception. I really don't want to conceal anything from my other half. 

"Dwight, she's always been here," I spoke. "I found her long ago without being aware of it."

"What are you saying?" She was baffled and got no clue of my words. 

"My biological mother. . ." I was taken back with hesitation. "She is. . ."

"Have you found her? Who is she? Where is she now? How was she? Did she recognize you?"

I shook my head once again and pursed my lips. It's really difficult to say it out but I couldn't keep quiet about it either. 

"It's tita Lavianna," I managed to speak with my gathered courage but shattered afterwards. 

Dwight was so surprised. Her jaw dropped and took a step backward as if she couldn't bear the weight of the words I just spoke out. 

"It's not funny, Ryle," she said in a daze. "Really. . ."

This is what I am afraid of. I am afraid that she couldn't believe what I am going to say. Above all, it's gonna hurt her a lot.

I walked close to her and held her elbow. "Dwight, listen to me, hmm?"

"How am I going to believe you, Ryle?" Her tears fell and rolled down her cheeks. "You are saying that my mother is your mom?" Her voice broke and began to cry out. "Ryle, it's not funny."

Now that she's aware of it, there's no room for turning back. 

"I know. I know." I held her cheeks and wiped her tears away. "It's what I found when I went to Glimm."

She continued to sob. After a moment, she looked up and opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something. I bet she's searching for words so I waited for her to say it out. 

"Then, are we siblings?" she asked in an unstable voice, with fear. 

"No, we aren't," I replied straightforwardly. "I know you have a lot of questions right now," I said when she fell into silence. "I know it's kinda complicated. But I promised you one thing, love." I shoved her hair and tucked it behind her ear. "I'll promise you that I'll be with you. We'll face it together. We are going to seek the truth together."

She sobbed and buried her head into my chest. I felt the warm liquid from her eyes go through the fabric of my clothes. I've never seen Dwight cry and lose herself the way she is now. She could only cry. She must be having a hard time digesting all the information she just knew. Tita Lavianna is still lying in the ICU and I already told her about my issue. It's very tormenting for her and my heart aches for her as well. I don't have a way to ease her pain and stop her from crying but I'll be with her as long as she needs me. I won't ever leave her, especially this time that she's facing the reality that would really crush her entirely. She is not alone in this path, I am with her and will always be. 

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