chapter 2

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another school year to another place...
another place to meet new friends... i used to hate my dad's work coz he always makes me transfer school but when i came to know that its mom wants to come along with dad like she cant leave a single day without seeing dad. i start to argue with mom... she's being inconsiderate to my part like she will do things even others have to suffer and she doesnt care at all  

for every place we've stayed im leaving a friend or two and this time im transferring from Ilsan to Seoul. 

im shocked when dad told me last week that he enrolled me to a university this time

"jungkook, pack your things. we were going to stay in Seoul and i want to settle there, this time i want to stay there until you graduate"

dad said to me one evening, he knocks on my room and casually said that to me when i opened the door for him then went away like nothing happened, he didn't even gave me a chance to react that time.. i guess he and mom got in an argument again

i finished my primary in Busan, secondary in Ilsan and now Seoul for a college degree.

its already monday morning when i had a chance to asked him where im going to study. i saw him sitting in our dining table having breakfast, i didnt expect to see him there, he usually in the office that time of the morning.. he's always at work specially if its monday, i dont know where's  mom that time...

he flips the newspaper he's holding, a cup of coffee in front of him and a plate of toast. he turned the page from global news to business news, take a glance at me and say

"good morning son, have breakfast with me" while fixing his eye glasses

i dont know but everytime he called me "son" i feel different

i sit in front of him across the table and say..

"good morning dad,... hmm, may i ask.. in what university you got me enrolled?" my nanny came with a plate in hand, she place it in front of me while i pouring some milk in my glass

"university of Seoul" he said without looking at me

he's always like that.. acting cold but i know he cares about me. we're not be close as father and son but we talk if we need to. he might not be showy but never scold me and always take my side not like mom that always insist what she likes

i'll be having fights with mom but not with him

i love him, i love my parents even tho they are not the usual parents you can imagine that will go with their child in a park or even the one make time with them by simply teach them how to do their assignments, they dont have time for that. they are always working

that's why they hired a nanny for me, mom will treat her like a maid or something but dad always make sure that she's not like others and she treats me like a real son

when i was a child the only thing i remember that im with them the whole day is when my birthday comes..

sept. 1 is the happiest day of my life every year coz that's the only day i can be with the both of them. not even christmas or new year..

tho mom will be busy with his personal guest but dad make sure that its what i want would happened in the party.. he would say..

"its your party, your birthday. you should be the one planning it not your mom"

and only dad would asked me who i want to invite along with my classmates. i will hand him my list and he will give it to the organizer to make an invitation

he will tell our driver to get me from the school a month before my birthday to meet the organizer waiting in his office, asking me what theme would i like, the organizer will hand me a dozen of booklet where a bunch of birthday themes, designs and what not.

after i got to choose what i want he will talk to dad the details and just like that my party will be grand not becoz of the theme but becoz mom invites all her friends or she better called them "amigas" with their children of course and that will be great coz hoseok will be there

he's the only friend that can stay with me whenever i go, his dad is working with my dad and his mom is one of the amigas of mom

i dont have siblings, i dont know why but i never saw my parents like my friend's parent if you know what i mean? as if they were living together coz they have to?

my dad, Kim Namjoon.. a famous idol in his young age but stop his career after he served the mandatory military service and married my mom Hayoung daughter of CEO Sujay. they have the largest textile company based in Varanasi India

grandpa gave him the company after he married mom and named it Kim's enterprise

thats why they dont have time for me.  i grow up with my nanny Sudee. she's more like a mom to me... i remembered, i asked her if im adapted but she strongly answered me with a angry voice...

she stops peeling some apples for me in a park that time and looked at me with angry expression on her face when she hears me asking that. 

"where do you get that idea Kim Jungkook? did someone told you that?! im the living proof that you are not! i've been serving your dad even before he married your mom, i saw in my own eyes when she got pregnant to you and gave birth! so dont ever think that again"

i thought of it coz i got jealous, i saw hoseok parents on how they treat my friend with so much care and love.. and the other kids too, they are with their parents but im the only one there with nanny and a driver

"no one told me that noona, i just thought of it coz look at them.." i pout looking at my friend hoseokie while he's eating ice cream sitting in the lap of his dad, his mom sitting beside them smiling, looking at them fondly as if she's looking to her world

but that was 15 yrs ago.. im 20 now, tho i grow up with this kind of family im still grateful, dad seems to care for me tho i always have a fight with my mom, and mom will always say...

"you really hate me that much that you making my own son hates me.. i wonder what are you feeding him, he never listens to me"

"you putting this on me? look at yourself... act like a mom for once! im not like you! i didnt manipulate anyone just to have what i want" dad said angrily, facing her before he walk out of the living room

but i was just a child when she starts to say things like that, i dont know what she meant.. 

"okay dad" i said after a while, he put down the broadsheet and look at me.. 

"you still have to get your sched in the registrar office tomorrow. i can trust you in this right son?

"of course dad... i'll try my best not to disappoint you" i said while smiling at him

he sip in his coffee and smile showing his dimples.. "okay, be ready tomorrow, i'll drop you there" 

and we continue to eat our breakfast

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