chapter 4

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Taehyung POV

i got out of the car and hurriedly walks through the corridors, clutching in my boston bag.. good thing the building for my class are just in the 2nd floor near the parking lot

minjae and jimin saw me almost running upstairs and they walks right behind him

"tae, why you always in a hurry?" jimin half shouted while trying to match my speed

"i am late jiminie... not now" i walk fast while getting my notes for the class inside my bag

"but tae wait!" minjae walks ahead of me and stops right infront of me.

i didnt expect him to get infront of me that fast, my foot missed a step that makes my body moved forward, if minjae is not infront of me, i will lands on a hard floor face first again but instead our head bumps before our body fall on the ground

"tae! please be careful! you could always hurt yourself!" jimin said worried holding tae to balance him standing up

"aw!" minjae and i said at the same time

"why are you two chasing me anyway? i have class to attend" i said while trying to get up from minjae

"you forgot?! we have the same class today!" jimin said behind me

"i know but why you chasing me instead than to walk with me to our room!" i said caressing my forehead

"coz we dont have classes today, professor choi came early and he just gave us a list of syllabus to learn with lot of homework and a project to submit 3rd week next month, he said his wife is in the hospital giving birth. he will file a leave for 3 weeks, no one going to be his substitute" jimin said picking up taehyung's bag

"oh, okay... thanks for informing me i was in a hurry i thought im late to his class... are you okay minjae? im sorry, im always bumps into you, hows your head?" i said holding his head checking for injury

"im fine tae, youre so clumsy! be careful next time, what if im not there to catch you?" he said looking at tae while his busy dusting his pants

"ehem!!! is that a pick up line minjae??? i can catch him if ever you're not anywhere near him!" jimin said getting himself between the two

"im just saying and i dont flirt with my bestfriend!" minjae said smiling to jimin

"just to make sure!" jimin said holding tae in his upper arm glaring to minjae

"and you kim taehyung! i will give you a copy of our syllabus, homework and project in the cafe, you owe me a date!" jimin said pouting

"me too!" minjae said handling him his notes

"okay, we dont have any classes after this one right? and im going to eomma office later to study" i've said turning back on them to go downstairs

"your mom is back??" jimin inquire

"yeah, he came back yesterday, that's why i had a lunch date, and im going to his office later to study" i said smiling

"can i come?? i want to meet uncle jin again" jimin said holding my hands swaying a little

"yeah! you can come but promise me we were going to study and nothing else.. my room there is not just for nook and mom will be angry if he will see me just laying around"

"can i come too?? i want to meet your mom again, its been awhile since i came to your house, and uncle jin is so handsome..cant believe a have a friend with a celebrity mom" minjae said walking on my left side

"okay! just dont stalk like a paparazzi im going there coz i want to be with mom while studying" i said facing them

"you can count on me tae" jimin and minjae said at the same time and they looked and scowled at each other again

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